
Ars Electronica Center
Festival Ars Electronica
Prix Ars Electronica
Ars Electronica Futurelab

Christopher Ruckerbauer
T: +43.732.7272.38
F: +43.732.7272.638

Robert Bauernhansl
T: +43.732.7272.32
F: +43.732.7272.632

Gullivers World
  Gullivers World

Create virtual worlds - now it's quick and easy, and, most of all, a whole lot of fun!

Seven interactive stations enable visitors - both young and old - to design virtual worlds and their inhabitants, and to even "beam" themselves into these artificial environments by means of video imaging and 3-D projections.

press release: Gullivers World - details (pdf / 95 KB)
press release: Gullivers World - overview (pdf / 88 KB)
photo: Gullivers World (jpg / 276 KB)
source: rubra
photo: Gullivers World (jpg / 212 KB)
source: rubra
photo: Gullivers World (jpg / 227 KB)
source: rubra
photo: Gullicers World (jpg / 876 KB)
source: AEC
project page: Gullivers World
press release: Gullivers World
© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at