we guide you 2009
![Festivalblog der FH St.Poelten](../../wp-content/files/2009/09/banner_fh_blog.jpg) |
All the target-group-specific offerings that make up this year’s program designed to mediate visitors encounters with festival content having to do with the “Human Nature” theme focus on a concept invented by Paul Crutzen: the Anthropocene Age, a time in which we human beings exert ever-greater influence on our planet, assume what is tantamount to control over it, and thus have more and more influence on society and our natural environment. Achievements in genetic engineering and biotechnology emerge from the depths of the laboratory and are changing our everyday life as well as the entire spectrum of forms of artistic expression. Many questions remain open and some problems still haven’t been cleared up, but cloning and experimentation goes on, boldly and unabated. Plus, to mark the 30th anniversary of the Ars Electronica Festival, we’ll also be taking a few retrospective looks at comparable projects, ideas, exhibitions and personalities of the past. And doing so while we continue to peer far into the future. The key issue: What will this new human-engendered nature look like and what undreamt-of possibilities and niches exist for us human beings within it?
See all events of we guide you 2009
Akustikon, Ars Electronica Center, Brucknerhaus, Hauptplatz, Kunstuniversität, Landesgalerie, OK Center, We Guide You |
IMPETUS: Works from the MIT Media Lab
At the Ars Electronica Festival 2009
Thu 3. 9. 15:00
Thu 3. 9. – Tue 8. 9. 10:00 – 19:00
Campus, Kunstuniversität Hauptplatz
Curated by Hiroshi Ishii (US) & Amanda Parkes (US)
A cooperation of Ars Electronica, University of Art and Industrial Design Linz and MIT Media Lab/US.
Certainly we cannot hope to solve the problems facing us without a greater understanding of the modern world, based on the integration of knowledge. Humanists must be educated with a deep appreciation of modern science. Scientists and engineers must be steeped in humanistic learning. And all learning must be linked with a broad concern for the complex effects of technology on our evolving culture.
Jerome B. Wiesner (Co-founder, MIT Media Laboratory, 1915–1994)
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Campus 09, Exhibitions, Kunstuniversität |
Fri 4.9.
09:00 AM – 11:00 AM Ars Electronica Center, Seminarraum
11:30 AM – 05:00 PM Kunstuniversität, Kollegiumgasse 2
Sat 5.9.
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Uhr Kunstuniversität, Kollegiumgasse 2
At the Crossroads of Media Arts&Science and Technology
Education in the 21st Century-What is to be Done?
Update on the Leonardo Education Forum’s mission and activities. Arts, science, design, technology, computer science and communication studies are key disciplines brought together in contemporary media arts, however relevant technologies develop rapidly and often separately from educational institutions. Consequently, a gap exists between the technological developments and their application in formal education worldwide at academic institutions as well as at middle school level and in hybrid educational scenarios.
Presentation of “Media Design” the new Teacher Training Programme for secondary schools of the University of Art and Industrial Design, Linz (www.ufg.ac.at).
Target group / Participants: educators, artists, scientists, policy makers in the field, general public
Invited speakers: Christa Sommerer (AT) & Laurent Mignonneau (FR), Nicoletta Blacher (AT), Mindaugas Gapševičius (D), Patricia Olynyk (US) tbc, Erika Katalina Pasztor (HU), Angelika Plank (AT)
Organisers: Nina Czegledy (HU), Daniela Reimann (D/AT), Lynn Hughes (CA)
Hosts: Ars Electronica Center and Kunstuniversität Linz (Department of Art Education, Department of Interface Cultures)
Ars Electronica Center, Conferences, Kunstuniversität, Kunstuniversität Kollegiumgasse, Presentations |
MISSION FUTURE @ Ars Electronica
Sun 6.9. 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Kunstuniversität, Kollegiumgasse 2
The Initiative to Create Our Tomorrow MASS CREATIVITY: How the power of “we & technology” transforms the economic world
By invitation only
The third MISSION FUTURE @ ARS ELECTRONICA will address the „creative mass“. It´s a fact that the „creative class“, proclaimed by Richard Florida five years ago, transformed itself into a majority. Digitally upgraded, these knights of the Twitter Round Table change our world and economy in breathtaking speed. The old boxing rule “do or die” seems to be their guideline when they organize their civil disobedience in Iran overnight or when the anti-copyright-movement Pirate Bay becomes the nightmare of the music- and movie industry. The power of the creative mass gets obvious when an individual like Aston Kutcher gathers one million followers faster then CNN.
Intelligent brands like Apple, Mini, Nokia or Adidas use the potential of these co-creators, formerly known as consumers. But more than that an entire new type of innovative enterprises show up based on tools like Linux, Java, Wikipedia, Facebook und App Store. The creative mass lives their own rules: “The bit …. (information, music, video, art, design, object, company) I need I create for myself.“ The creative mass makes that happen supported by fabricators, kind of personal nano-factories. Mission Future will scrutinize in detail with it´s speakers how this creative world of tomorrow will look like.
Morning Session:
Christoph Santner (future-expert and co-founder Mission Future) and Philippe Souidi (trend-expert and co-founder Mission Future):
10 trends that will shape our future
Lectures, discussions and breakout sessions see http://missionfuture.trendpool.com/
This conference will be followed by a performance of the social art project think new (Gabi Lück) including a concert of Anna F. and Lima.
Kunstuniversität, Kunstuniversität Kollegiumgasse, Presentations |
Archiving Media Art: Politics and Strategies, Workshop and Launch of the GAMA Portal
Sat 5.9.
2:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Kunstuniversität, Kollegiumgasse 2
Archives and collections of media art are closely related to the institution’s profile and mandate. Within the workshop experts discuss the significance of the institutional setting with respect to the creation of the repositories and their future perspectives. Additionally, on the basis of recent research activities, experts and artists present new ways of documentation of media art which tend to integrate the user experience into a documentation strategy for media art works – or even into the works themselves. On this occasion the new European online portal, the Gateway to Archives of Media Art (GAMA), is launched and presented.
Annet Dekker (Virtueel Platform, NL), Anna-Karin Larsson (Filmform Foundation, SE), Lioba Reddeker (basis wien, AT) Gerfried Stocker (Ars Electronica, AT), Matt Adams (Blast Theory, GB), Gabriella Giannachi (University of Exeter, GB), Caitlin Jones (Free curator and media theorist, US), Lizzie Muller (University of Technology Sydney, AU), Eva Kozma (C3 Center for Culture Communication Foundation, HU)
Moderators: Katja Kwastek (Ludwig Boltzmann Medien.Kunst.Forschung., AT), Andreas Spiegl (Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, AT);
Concept: Gabriele Blome (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Medien.Kunst.Forschung., AT) and Gaby Wijers (Nederlands Instituut Voor Mediakunst, NL).
Conferences, Kunstuniversität, Kunstuniversität Kollegiumgasse |
The Royal Interface Culture Masquerade Ball
Hauptplatz, Brückenkopfgebäude Ost
Thu 3.9.2009 3.30 PM
Opening hours:
Thu 3.9. -Tue 8.9. 10.00 AM – 7.00 PM
DIY Style Interaction Projects by Interface Cultures Student Projects at Ars Electronica 2009
Curated by Christa Sommerer (AT) & Laurent Mignonneau (AT)
Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau, Dietmar Offenhuber, Michaela Ortner, Varvara Guljajeva
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Campus 09, Exhibitions, Kunstuniversität |