My husband and me, me and my wife

Nico Ferrando (AR) / presented by Edition Lammerhuber (AT)
2. 9. – 7. 9.

“My husband and me, me and my wife” is a series of photographs of twenty-five couples from different ages and ethnic groups. Some have been together their whole life, others just for a few months. Life-sized, in color and taken in a realistic fashion, the images will give you the impression that the models are standing in front of you. Naked and relaxed, they seem to be floating on the white background, almost levitating. Some of their body parts are interchanged, particularly those related to what is socially taken to define gender. “My husband and me, me and my wife” can be about identity, about marriage, about relationships, about genetics, about gender, about commitment, about the past, the present, maybe the future and definitely about love.

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