Rendezvous mit Peter Behrens
The NORDICO Museum of the City of Linz and afo architekturforum oberösterreich cordially invite you to take a close-up look at the extraordinary architecture and interesting history of the Tabakfabrik. The NORDICO tour (September 5th and 6th, 2 PM each day) puts the accent on history and thus serves as a nice lead-in to its upcoming exhibition Tabakfabrik Linz. Art and Architecture for Austria Tabak. The afo (Architecture Forum Upper Austria) tour (September 3rd and 4th, 2 PM each day) focuses on the impressive architecture and its urban setting, as well as the issue of how this major piece of real estate will be developed and used in the future. All tours will give particular consideration to the Tabakfabrik’s position within Peter Behrens’ life work as an architect.
Additional visits to and activities in Tabakfabrik are listed in the afofolder.
Accompanying events, guided tours and workshops being staged by the NORDICO are listed in the October/November/December Kunstvermittlungsfolder issued by LENTOS, NORDICO & GENESIS.
Eine Kooperation von Ars Electronica, afo architekturforum oberösterreich und NORDICO Museum der Stadt Linz.