We guide you
Due to group size limitations, it is highly advisable for individuals to make reservations. We request that all groups make reservations. You can make a reservation at the hotline +43 (0)664/8126217 or at our we guide you-ticketingpage.
Meeting point of all guided tours is the Info Lounge. Only exception is the Culture Pilots tour with the meeting point at the Bulgariplatz Linz as well as the Electrical Walk: Walk the City with the meeting point at the main square.
Please note that this program has been designed especially to reach the young people of Linz. Accordingly, only the German language will be used. Thanks for your understanding!
We guide you,
Location: Info Lounge
For Adults.
Experience the Ars Electronica Festival in the context of dialogical tours through the various venues situated on the grounds of Tabakfabrik Linz, an impressive work of early 20th-century industrial architecture that is currently vacant. Tour participants will discover a diverse array of extraordinary visions of the future and confrontations at the nexus of art, technology and society with this year‘s festival theme “repair – ready to pull the lifeline.” Partake of this most stimulating atmosphere and join us in a discussion of pressing current issues, personal viewpoints and concrete suggestions for ways to rescue our world.
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Location: Info Lounge
Sunsetparcours / Nightparcours
When night falls, the face of the world is transformed.
Atmospheric tours through the festival grounds take advantage of the twilight and ensuing darkness. Flashlights’ diffusing beams blur the borders between staged performance and architecture, whereby the bizarre interplay of forms opens up unusual architectural insights and a personal form of interaction within novel settings. The Sunsetparcours will be held only by sunshine.
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Location: Info Lounge
World-class digital art—CyberArts 2010 at Tabakfabrik Linz showcases the most excellent entries to this year‘s Prix Ars Electronica. The works on display were honored by the international computer art competition’s judges and thus represent the “Best of” digital art. Art experts on the staff of the OK Center for Contemporary Art will be on hand to present the works singled out for recognition in the Interactive Art, Hybrid Art and Digital Musics categories.
Eine Kooperation von Ars Electronica und OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich.
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Location: Info Lounge
Rendezvous mit Peter Behrens
The NORDICO Museum of the City of Linz and afo architekturforum oberösterreich cordially invite you to take a close-up look at the extraordinary architecture and interesting history of the Tabakfabrik. The NORDICO tour (September 5th and 6th, 2 PM each day) puts the accent on history and thus serves as a nice lead-in to its upcoming exhibition Tabakfabrik Linz. Art and Architecture for Austria Tabak. The afo (Architecture Forum Upper Austria) tour (September 3rd and 4th, 2 PM each day) focuses on the impressive architecture and its urban setting, as well as the issue of how this major piece of real estate will be developed and used in the future. All tours will give particular consideration to the Tabakfabrik’s position within Peter Behrens’ life work as an architect.
Additional visits to and activities in Tabakfabrik are listed in the afofolder.
Accompanying events, guided tours and workshops being staged by the NORDICO are listed in the October/November/December Kunstvermittlungsfolder issued by LENTOS, NORDICO & GENESIS.
Eine Kooperation von Ars Electronica, afo architekturforum oberösterreich und NORDICO Museum der Stadt Linz.
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Location: Info Lounge
Culture Pilots
Women who’ve immigrated to Linz lead tours through the inner city and offer an insider’s look at the setting of their everyday life. A striking feature of the neighborhood surrounding Wiener Straße is the high proportion of immigrants living there. New stores and community centers are opening their doors, but most native-born Linzers only become aware of these developments from afar, as passers-by with no direct multicultural contact to what’s transpiring. The CULTURE PILOTS impart insights into the lives of immigrants. These unconventional city tours for locals and tourists provide a setting for up-close-and-personal encounters with people, circumstances, origins, causes and concrete facts.
Eine Kooperation von Ars Electronica und ibuk – Verein für interkulturelle Begegnung und Kulturvermittlung.
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Location: Bulgariplatz
The wide-ranging relevance of the “repair” theme motivated us to stress diversity in our efforts to mediate audience encounters with content at this year‘s festival. These are matters of concern to all of us, including people who have immigrated to Linz. The core of the Communityparcours concept is to offer guided tours conducted in languages other than German. This multilingual approach applies first and foremost to cultural access to works of art and best practice examples having to do with the “repair” theme. The aim is to bring in mediators who are also opinion leaders in various ethnic communities as a means of reaching out to people from different backgrounds and thereby making this festival as accessible as possible to them as well. After all, this is a wake-up call—and a message of hope too—directed at everybody.
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Electrical Walks: Walk the factory
Christina Kubisch (DE)
Christina Kubisch works with the principle of electromagnetic induction. The headphones she’s developed enable wearers to acoustically experience the electromagnetic fields that pervade our surroundings. On this tour through Tabakfabrik Linz, you’ll explore noise that’s normally inaudible—the electromagnetic sounds of the factory’s impressive architecture as well as of the electronic art on display there.
We guide you,
Location: Info Lounge