Discussion: The future of the Tabakfabrik Linz
17:00 Führung durch die Ausstellung „NANK – Neue Arbeit Neue Kultur – Community Production“
17:45 Start der Diskussion
„Von der Ware Arbeit zur wahren Arbeit – Die Linzer Tabakfabrik als Zukunftsprojekt“ – Unter diesem Motto lädt die Initiative NANK (Neue Arbeit Neue Kultur) im Rahmen des Festivals Ars Electronica am Dienstag, 7. September, zu einer hochkarätig besetzten Podiumsdiskussion mit Vertretern aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur in die Tabakfabrik Linz ein.
Wie wird das Gelände der ehemaligen Tabakfabrik in Zukunft genutzt werden können, welche wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen, sozialen und politischen Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten sind bereits vorhanden oder müssen noch entwickelt werden? Die Tabakwerke als mögliches Kulturhaus, als Heimat der Kreativwirtschaft und der „Neuen Arbeit“ – Linz als Impulsgeber für neue Arbeitskonzepte und Green Technologies sind nur einige Fragen, die besprochen werden.
Über die Zukunft einer ganzen Stadt werden Stadtrat Johann Mayr (SPÖ), Vizebürgermeister Erich Watzl (ÖVP), Robert Bauer (ATW Nachnutzungs-Studie), Gerhard Haderer (Künstler), Gerfried Stocker (Künstlerischer Geschäftsführer Ars Electronica) und der Philosoph und Vordenker der „Neuen Arbeit“ Frithjof Bergmann mit dem Publikum diskutieren.
Moderation: Regina Patsch (ORF)
New Work Factory,
Location: Bau 2 EG
Der Standard präsentiert: REPAIR – Sind wir noch zu retten?
Sorry, this entry is only available in German.
Repair our society,
Location: Bau 2 EG
Prix Ars Electronica 2010 Forums
The 24th edition of the Prix Ars Electronica attracted 3,083 submissions from 70 countries and thus impressively reflects the entire dynamic and multifaceted spectrum of the cyberarts. Seven juries composed of internationally renowned experts convened to select the winners of six Golden Nicas, 12 Awards of Distinctions, 1 [the next idea] voestalpine Art and Technology Grant and 71 Honorary Mentions. These honors along with prize money totaling 117,500 Euros will be presented to the winners at the Ars Electroncia Gala.
Prix Forum Hybrid Art
3. 9. 13:00 – 14:30
The prize winners in the “Hybrid Art” category:
- Stelarc (AU) – Ear on Arm / Golden Nica
- Paul Vanouse (US) – Ocular Revision
- Julian Oliver (NZ/DE), Danja Vasiliev (RU/DE) – Men in Grey
Participants of the Forum:
- Jens Hauser (DE/FR) – Member of the Jury
- Stelarc (AU)
- Paul Vanouse (US)
- Julian Oliver (NZ/DE), Danja Vasiliev (RU/DE)
Prix Forum Digital Communities
4. 9. 10:30-12:15
The prize winners in the “Computer Animation / Film / VFX” category:
- Chaos Computer Club – http://www.ccc.de/ / Golden Nica
- Map Kibera – http://mapkibera.org/
- the ubiquitous #unibrennt cloud – http://unibrennt.at
Prix Formum Digital Communities is part of the Open Source Life Symposium
Prix Forum Interactive Art
5. 9. 13:30 – 15:00
The prize winners in the “Interactive Art” category:
- Zach Lieberman, James Powderly, Tony Quan, Evan Roth, Chris Sugrue (US) and Theo Watson (UK) – The EyeWriter / Golden Nica
- United Visual Artists (UK) – Chorus
- Julijonas Urbonas (LT) – Talking Doors
Participants of the Forum:
- Jussi Ängeslevä (FI) – Member of the Jury
- Zach Lieberman, James Powderly, Evan Roth, Chris Sugrue (US) and Theo Watson (UK )
- United Visual Artists (UK)
- Julijonas Urbonas (LT)
Prix Forum Computer Animation / Film / VFX
5. 9. 15:30 – 17:00
The prize winners in the “Computer Animation / Film / VFX” category:
- Arev Manoukian, Stephanie Swedlove (Producer) and Marc-Andre (visual effects) (CN) – Nuit Blanche / Golden Nica.
- Sam O’Hare (UK/US) / OOVFX – The Sandpit
- Jean-Christophe Lie (FR) / Prima Linea Productions – The Man in the Blue Gordini [L‘Homme à la Gordini]
Participants of the Forum:
- Jürgen Hagler (AT) – Member of the Jury
- Arev Manoukian (CA)
- Sam O’Hare (UK/US) / OOVFX
- Jean-Christophe Lie (FR) / Prima Linea Productions
Prix Forum Digital Musics & Sound Art
6. 9. 13:30 – 15:00
The prize winners in the “Digital Musics & Sound Art” category:
- Ryoichi Kurokawa (JP) – rheo: 5 horizons / Golden Nica
- Michel Décosterd, André Décosterd (CH) / Cod.Act – Cycloïd-E
- Martin Bédard (CA) – Champs de fouilles (Excavations)
Participants of the Forum:
- Christina Kubisch (DE) – Member of the Jury
- Ryoichi Kurokawa (JP)
- Michel Décosterd, André Décosterd (CH) / Cod.Act
- Martin Bédard (CA)
Prix Ars Electronica,
Location: Bau 2 EG
Artist Talk: Hubert Lepka
Hubert Lepka (AT)
5. 9. 18:00 – 18:30
Hubert Lepka speaks about the performance he’s staging for the 2010 Klangwolke and his artistic concept.
Location: Bau 2 EG
Open Source Life Symposium
Life and work according to ideas from the development of open source software: Vision of a sustainable future, nightmare scenario of total transparency or something that’s long been common practice? At the Open Source Life symposium experiences with projects and initiatives, activism on behalf of freedom online and critical analysis of concepts around “openness” meet. Can Open-Source-Mindsets of the individual and Open-Source-Structures in societies and economies act as agents of positive change?
10:30 – 12:15 Open Source Life I: Prix Forum Digital Communities
- Welcome
Gerfried Stocker (AT), Andreas Hirsch (AT)
- Digital Communities 2010
Aram Bartholl (DE)
- Chaos Computer Club
Tim Pritlove (DE), Discordian Evangelist, CCC
- Map Kibera
Mikel Maron, co-founder of Map Kibera, and board member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
- the ubiquitous #unibrennt cloud
Georg Schütz (AT) und andere
- Discussion with participants
Moderation: Aram Bartholl (DE)
13:30 – 15:10 Open Source Life II: Open Source Life & Repair
- Why should we live an Open Source Life?
Andreas Hirsch (AT), curator at KUNST HAUS WIEN, consultant and cultural manager. „Cultural Memory and Diversity“ at WSIS II in Tunis 2005.
- Trash | Track | Trash
Carlo Ratti (IT/US), civil engineer and architect, teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, director of the SENSEable City Laboratory. Founder and former president of the Comitato Valdo Fusi for promoting architectural change in Turin, Italy. A documentation of the project Trash Track can be seen in Bau 2 EG.
- How to biomanufacture Bricks
Ginger Krieg Dosier (US), architect and designer, specialist for new performance materials for architecture and construction.
Teaches architecture at American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Partner at Vergelabs, creator of Biomanufactured Bricks.
- Design as Conversation
John Thackara (UK), director and founder of the festival series „Doors of Perception“, where communities imagine sustainable futures. Author of numerous books including „In The Bubble: Designing In A Complex World“
- Discussion with participants
Moderation: Andreas Hirsch (AT)
15:25 – 16:45 Open Source Life III: Repair Society
- „Repair“ Democracy
Amelia Andersdotter (SE), elected member of the European Parliament on behalf of Piratpartiet and former international coordinator of Piratpartiet‘s youth organisation Ung Pirat.
- Creating Diaspora
Maxwell Salzberg (US), programmer, started building a distributed social network dubbed „Diaspora.“
- The Meaning of Open is Obfuscated
- Geert Lovink (NL), Dutch-Australian media theorist and critic, founding director of the Institute of Network Cultures and founder of Internet projects such as nettime and fibreculture. His recent book titles are Dark Fiber (2002), Uncanny Networks (2002) and My First Recession (2003).
- Discussion with participants
Moderation: Andreas Hirsch (AT
17:00 – 18:30 Open Source Life IV: Repair Society (and yourself)
- Digital Formations of the Powerless
Saskia Sassen (US) saskiasassen.com, Columbia University. Recent books: Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages, and “A Sociology of Globalization”. Writes for OpenDemocracy.net and HuffingtonPost.com
- Floating in a Rich Network of Highly Charged People and Serendipitous Events
Joichi Ito (JP), activist, entrepreneur, venture capitalist and angel investor. CEO of Creative Commons, early stage investor in Twitter, Technorati, Flickr, Last.fm and other Internet companies, board member of Mozilla Foundation, previously also of Open Source Initiative (OSI) and ICANN. – http://joi.ito.com/
- Reflections of an Open Source Life
Derrick de Kerckhove (CA), professor at the University of Toronto and the Università Federico II in Naples, Italy, directs research on digital culture(s) at Open University of Barcelona.
- Discussion & Wrapup
Moderation: Andreas Hirsch (AT)
About the curator:
Andreas Hirsch (AT)
Curator, consultant and cultural manager. Projects include development of the „Digital Communities“-category for Prix Ars Electronica (2003), „Cultural Memory and Diversity“ at WSIS II in Tunis (2005). Since 2009 curator of KUNST HAUS WIEN.
Repair our society,
Location: Bau 2 EG
Featured Artist Talk
The featured artist at Ars Electronica 2010 discusses “blood and tears” and offers insights into the artistic intention behind his work.
Featured Artist,
Location: Bau 2 EG
Worldpremiere: PROBLEMA – sometimes the worst enemy is our own perception
2. 9. – 7. 9. REPAIR Lounge
2. 9. 14:30 Bau 2 EG
4. 9. 20:30 OK Parkdeck (In case of adverse weather, movie will be shown at 23:00 o’clock at the cinema Moviemento)
6. 9. 16:00 Bau 2 EG
112 persons from 56 countries convened at the Table of Free Voices in Berlin in 2006 to provide answers to global questions about such things as the economy, ethics, war and nation-states. Now, director Ralf Schmerberg has made a film out of the resulting 11,200 statements interwoven with footage of some of the defining images of our time. The result is major intellectual marathon.
Regie: Ralf Schmerberg (DE) (Mindpirates e.v.)
Repair our society,
Location: OK, Bau 2 EG, REPAIR Lounge
Richard Sennett – The Craftsman
VHS Linz und AK OÖ präsentieren
The Craftsman – Abgespaltenheit und Entfremdungsprozesse in der modernen Arbeitswelt
Richard Sennett (US)
2. 9. 18:00 – 20:00
The Linz Lectures series sponsored by the city’s Volkshochschule adult continuing education facility and the province’s Chamber of Labor is designed as a forum for the critical discussion of important current issues. This year, American sociologist Richard Sennett has been invited to Linz to discuss work (the reality of work; work as a commodity) amidst capitalism’s time of crisis. Sennett’s bestsellers—for example, “The Corrosion of Character” and “The Culture of the New Capitalism”—elaborate on the effects of flexwork on labor and life in general. Sennett’s latest book, “The Craftsman,” investigates a basic human impulse: the desire to do a job well for its own sake.
Admission is free, but please RSVP to reserve a seat by calling +43.732.6906.2413 or sending an e-mail to wipol@akooe.at.
New Work Factory,
Location: Bau 2 EG
Making a Difference
3. 9. 10:30 – 12:30
repair: it‘s all about attitude, about taking up the responsibility and starting to change the things.
- 10:30 Welcome
Gerfried Stocker (AT), Derrick de Kerckhove (CA)
- 10:45 Repair Manifesto
Arne Hendriks (NL), Platform21
- 11:10 Can China repair the world?
David Nieh (CN), Architect, General Manager for Shui On Land.
Board Member for the Joint US-China Collaboration on Clean Energy (JUCCCE), Stanford Program on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SPRIE) and Cogswell College in Silicon Valley. He advises the One-North Development in Singapore, the US-China Clean Energy Forum, the China Greentech Initiative and the Cleantech Group.
- 11:35 Vertical farming, towards a high tech ecology
Dickson Despommier (US), microbiologist, ecologist and Professorof Public Health in Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia University. He conducts research on intracellular parasitism and teachescourses on Parasitic Diseases, Medical Ecology and Ecology.
- 12:00 Q&A
Moderation: Derrick de Kerckhove (CA)
Repair the environment,
Location: Bau 2 EG
Was Menschen bewegt
3.9. 15:00 – 18:30
Mobility is the essence of a globalized society—its basic requirement, the key to competitiveness, and a cause of environmental pollution. This symposium will shed light on numerous aspects of mobility including sociopolitical issues and the challenges posed by design and technology.Produced jointly by Ars Electronica and the ÖBB–Austrian Federal Railways
- 15:00 Welcome
Christian Kern, Vorstandsprecher der ÖBB-Holding
- 15:15 Do you remember the future?
Ein multimedialer Streifzug durch Utopien zu Mobilität und Verkehr der letzten hundert Jahre von Sini Zein und Gerfried Stocker (Ars Electronica)
- 15:30 How do design for a sustainable mobility?
Konzepte und Projekte von Stadtplanern, Industriedesignern und Künstlern für Fahrzeuge und Verkehrssysteme von morgen. Alejandro Gutierrez (Arup), Alexander Neumeister (N+P Industrial Design), Daniel Huber (Spirit Design), Lutz Pankow (HFBK Hamburg)
- 17:00 Break
- 17:10 Regarding the Future
Welche Innovationen und Ideen zu Mobilität und Bewegungsfreiheit haben Zukunft? Christian Kern (AT, ÖBB), Saskia Sassen (US, Columbia University), Oliviero Toscani (IT, Fotograf), moderiert von Derrick de Kerckhove (CA, Marshall McLuhan Institute)
- 18:00 Break
- 18:10 Mobility goes abstract
Performance von Mia Zabelka (AT), Alex Micheuz (AT) and Paul Plut (AT).
Moderation: Derrick de Kerckhove (CA)
Repair the environment,
Location: Bau 2 EG
Doing the right thing
6.9. 10:30 – 12:30
The important thing is getting the ball rolling—recognizing problems, defining them, and seeking solutions and alternatives which, after all, one can find almost anywhere.
- 10:30 Frithjof Bergmann (US)
Professor Emeritus of philosophy at the University of Michigan. Founder of the New-Work-Movement.
- 11:30 Strom-Boje
Fritz Mondl (AT), Associate of the Aqua Libre Energieentwicklungs GmbH. The Strom-Boje is a small swimming hydroelectric power plant which only uses kinetic energy of free floating streams or the sea current.
- 11:50 In.fondo.al.mar
David Boardman (IT), Designer & Researcher at the MIT Design Laboratory.
In.fondo.al.mar is a mapping project by David Boardman (IT) and Paolo Gerbaudo (IT), charting the sinking and dumping of toxic and radioactive waste in the Mediterranean Sea. A documentation can be seen in Bau 2 OG 4.
- 12:10 Haiti-House
Peter Wehr (AT), representative of the CONSIDO AG Austria.
- 12:30 Q&A
Moderation: Derrick de Kerckhove (CA)
Repair the environment,
Location: Bau 2 EG
Desire for future, change, and how to admit failure
If it’s “too late to be a pessimist” (Yann Arthus-Bertrand), then how can we remain optimistic and sustain the urge to bring forth a future worth living? We’re currently experiencing numerous major miscarriages—environmental catastrophes, financial crises, seeming endless border disputes. At this symposium, experts in a wide array of fields will elaborate on and illustrate how to acknowledge errors and to use them as a source of motivation to implement change. The ambitious goal here is to mobilize oneself and others in order to courageously assume responsibility for a better future.
Updates can be found at: http://www.artcircolo.de/zeitraeume_/linz2010
4.9. 18:00-21:00
Location: Sky Loft, 3rd floor, Ars Electronica Center, Ars-Electronica-Straße-1, A-4040 Linz
- 18:00 Symposium/Workshop Opening
- Welcome
- Prof. Arnold Picot (Münchner Kreis)
- Dr. Christian Schoen and Dr. Serafine Lindemann (overtures-ZeitRäume)
- Gerfried Stocker (Ars Electronica)
- Lectures
- Evolutionary Heritage: Decision processes, self repair of systems in uncertain environments, aspects of brain research
Prof. Ernst Pöppel, psychologist and neuroscientist, LMU Munich
- The Ignorance Society
Prof. Daniel Innerarity, Professor of political and social philosophy at the University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian
- 21:00 Conversation Dinner
Each table will receive a subject concerning sustainability, admitting failure and change in our society and is asked to propose an implementation scenario. The results will be summarized and discussed next day.
5.9. 10:00-13:00
Location: Bau 2 EG
- 10:00 Opening
- Gerfried Stocker (Ars Electronica)
- Introduction of overtures-ZeitRäume and the art projects
Dr. Christian Schoen and Dr. Serafine Lindemann
- How to Finance our Future
Opening Prof. Arnold Picot
- 10:15 Central Banks as Pushers of the Financial Crisis.
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Heinsohn, sociologist and economist, University of Bremen
- 11:00 Towards a Language for the economics of Economy.
Dr. Viktor Winschel, Universität Mannheim, VWL Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
- 11:30 Evolutionary Heritage: Decision processes, self repair of systems in uncertain environments, aspects of brain research
Prof. Ernst Pöppel, psychologist and neuroscientist, LMU Munich
- 12:00 Software Engineering: How to deal with failure.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Brügge, computer scientist, TUM
- 12:30 Guided acoustic Tour
by sound artist Kalle Laar
Engagement to our Future
Dr. Christian Schoen and Dr. Serafine Lindemann, curators, Germany.
Combine transdisciplinary experiences and art processes to gain knowledge. – Courage for active change and future through artists
5.9. 14:30-17:30
Location: Bau 1 OG 3
- 14:30 Meeting point at „Never Ever“, project by Benjamin Bergmann
- 15:00 Metro Crowd Financing for SMEs in underdeveloped metropolitan areas
Stefan Doeblin, Network Economy AG
- 15.20 Applications: How to Admit Failure!
Prof. Dr. Han Brezet, Technical University Delft, Sustainable Design Program
- 15:50 Manufactured Demand: What it means to grow a multi-billion Dollar industry around bottled water.
Dr. Martin Richartz, computer scientist, Vodafone R&D Germany, Dr. Serafine Lindemann, curator, artcircolo
- 16.10 Panel: Desire for Future, Change and how to admit Failure
Benjamin Bergmann, Kalle Laar, Prof. Dr. Arnold Picot, Dr. Christian Schoen, Gerfried Stocker,Dr. Bernd Wiemann
Video Including presentation of the results of the conversation dinner
- 16:50 Science without error bars
Dr. Wolf von Reden, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft HHI
The tuition for attending the entire symposium is 100€ (50€ for students, artists and seniors). This fee to cover production costs entitles you to admission to the workshop on Saturday (including dinner) as well as admission and participation on Sunday. Free admission for Festival Pass holders applies only to the panels on Sunday.
A project of Münchner Kreis, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München and the Technischen Universität München in cooperation with the Ars Electronica in line with the overtures-ZeitRäume series, a artcircolo pilotraum 01 project.
Overtures - Zeiträume,
Location: AEC, Bau 1 OG 3, Bau 2 EG