Zum Aus-der-Krise-Fahren
2. 9. – 7. 9.
OTELO, the open technology laboratory in Gmunden and Vöcklabruck, BFI production workshops in Wels and Steyr, and Specialbikes, the professional tinkerer’s shop for bicycle electrification run by Hermann Kranawetter in Gmunden, have banded together for this cycling workshop. They show how to use intact components from old bikes to build new ones. They can install electric drive equipment, or they’ll pimp your ride by setting you up with POV (persistence of vision) blinking LED spokes that turn your wheels into displays. Frivolous plaything? Perhaps, but above all it’s a high-visibility signal for a new culture of repair. OTELO will also be showcasing another gadget for climate repair: the Solar Cooker developed in cooperation with EG Solar in Altötting, Germany.
A ccoperation by: BFI Produktionsschule Wels and Steyr, OTELO-Verein „Offenes Technologie Labor“, specialbikes.at, IEW-Initiative Eine Welt and EG-SOLAR e.V.
New Work Factory,
Location: Kraftwerk
Benjamin Bergmann – Never Ever
The works of Benjamin Bergmann make bold assertions, conduct thought experiments and sensitively play with ideas in which the absurd often takes center stage. Their basic nature is sculptural, and they display an essentially performative character. “For me, the beautiful thing about absurdity is the sustainability of the confusion. At some point, you find yourself toying with the idea that a totally absurd world would perhaps be more beautiful.”
Accordingly, when Bergmann installs a basketball hoop at dizzying heights, what he’s setting up thereby is a metaphorical and de facto experiment that sets its goal so high that there’s a higher likelihood of failure than success.
A project from artcircolo in cooperation with pilotraum01
Curators: Serafine Lindemann (DE) and Christian Schoen (DE)
Overtures - Zeiträume,
Location: Kraftwerk