31.08.2011 Mi/Wed - 01.09.2011 Do/Thu 10:00-19:00, TOCKENDOCK

Deal – The Dead Environment Alive Project

With the active assistance of workshop participants, a video wall will be built out of 15 old monitors and old PCs. They’ll then serve as a means of displaying and interacting with creative projects as well as disseminating interesting information.

Mi/Wed 31.8. – Do/Thu 1.9., 10:00 – 19:00
Ars Electronica Quarter, Trockendock

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31.08.2011 Mi/Wed - 06.09.2011 Di/Tue 10:00-19:00, MAINDECK


With electrical tools, not only can you build and repair vehicles; you can power them too. Lined up at the start will be homemade vehicles powered by two environmentally friendly cordless drills.

BRP-Powertrain (AT), HS Steinerkirchen (AT)
Mi/Wed 31.8. – Di/Tue 6.9., 10:00 – 19:00
Ars Electronica Center, Maindeck
Rennen: Mi/Wed 31.8., 17:00 – 20:00
Ars Electronica Quarter

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02.09.2011 Fr/Fr - 03.09.2011 Sa/Sat 10:00-18:00, Landgang Radio FRO


The internet has become young people’s universal medium, and the cell phone they use on a daily basis is something they now take completely for granted. Experienced media trainers will endow this brave new world of media with emancipatory and participative approaches. In doing so, they’ll be helping young people learn how media work and understand background factors. Participants will produce their own podcasts, blogs and articles, and learn to use media critically, sensibly and competently.

Anmeldung auf der Ticketseite>



Entwickeln unsere Kinder in Zukunft Fantasiepflanzen, um uns zu ernähren? Bauen sie eigene intelligente Haustiere? Bereisen sie neue, bisher noch unentdeckte Welten? Oder entwerfen sie LandschaftsarchitektInnen lebendige Häuser? Für das u19 CREATE YOUR WORLD Zukunftsfestival der nächsten Generation öffnen sich im Ars Electronica Center wieder Erlebnis- und Gedankenräume für neugierige Kinder ab 6 Jahren. Biotechnologie, Robotik und Medienkunst – dienen als Experimentierfelder für die Frage nach eigenen Geschichten und Visionen einer möglichen Zukunft. Auf’s Ausprobieren, Versuche starten und gemeinsam Entwickeln kommt es an; die aufregendsten Technologien und Werkzeuge dafür finden sich in den Labors des Museums.

Anmeldung auf der Ticketseite>

05.09.2011 Mo/Mon 10:00-17:00, Brücke


get active (AT)

Dragon Dreaming Projektmanagement is a powerful tool for individuals, teams and communities to harness the power of their visions in coming up with sustainable projects.

Für Jugendliche von 16-19 Jahren

Anmeldung auf der Ticketseite>

02.09.2011 Fr/Fr 14:00-16:00 (Workshop), 03.09.2011 Sa/Sat - 06.09.2011 Di/Tue 10:00-19:00 (Audio-Rundgang), Kajüte


So Kanno (JP)
Für Jugendliche von 12-19 Jahren

In everyday life, we’re surrounded by technology. Kanno (JP) and Yamamoto (JP) will demonstrate the extent to which that is so with his open source tool TechnophoneKit that makes electromagnetic waves and light emissions of various devices visible. In their intensive workshop, they will show young technology enthusiasts how to put together a TechnophoneKit.

Anmeldung auf der Ticketseite>

01.09.2011 Do/Thu 13:00-18:00, Kajüte

Kibilight Project

The Kibilight Project—also present in [the next idea] voestalpine Art and Technology Grant exhibition—teaches young people in Kenya to assemble and market small solar lamps. And that’s exactly what Elizabeth Otieno (KE) can teach you in her u19 CREATE YOUR WORLD workshop.

Kibera Community Youth Programme (KE), Elizabeth Otieno (KE)

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02.09.2011 Fr/Fr - 04.09.2011 So/Sun 10:00-18:00, KAJÜTE


All over the world, young people have hopes and fears, big ideas and concrete problems. Networking online offers new opportunities to share solutions to global challenges, but what it doesn’t provide for is personal encounter and passing on knowledge and experience. The Youth Future Project lets young people come face to face with good role models like winners of the Nobel Peace Prize and the Alternative Nobel Prize. The latter occupy the focal point of this workshop.

Für Jugendliche von 14-19 Jahren

Anmeldung auf der Ticketseite>

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31.08.2011 Mi/Wed - 06.09.2011 Di/Tue, 10:00-19:00, KABINE


Die Kieselschule ist ein musikalisches Curriculum zur Gewaltprävention für Grundschulen und Kindergärten.

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02.09.2011 Fr/Fr 14:00-17:00 & 03.09.2011 Sa/Sat 10:00-13:00, MAIN&UPPERDECK

u19 Forum

At the PRIX FORUM u19, winners in this year’s u19 – freestyle computing category and those honored with other international media prizes for young people will present their projects.

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