02.09.2011 Fr/Fr 10:30-12:30, MAIN&UPPERDECK

u19 Ceremony

u19 Ceremony

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To kick off u19 CREATE YOUR WORLD, actor/entertainer Tom Pohl (AT) will moderate a presentation of the various Open Labs. More entertainment follows: the AkkuRace featuring do-it-yourself vehicles and drivers powered by two tiny batteries.
How fascinating the world of physics and astronomy is will be demonstrated by scientists at the Institute of High Energy Physics (AT) and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT) in Deep Space. In the spirit of u19 CREATE YOUR WORLD, the Gameboy Music Club (AT) will show that technology doesn’t always have to be used the way its inventors and producers intended—the musicians will play a concert on commercially available Gameboys.
Then things get funky—the Tesla Orchestra (US) puts on a far-out show in which high tension is transformed into sound and the sparks really fly. For the grand finale, Michael Mayr (AT) and Kid Soylent (AT) will do a live show featuring music and great visuals on and with the Ars Electronica Center’s media façade.
Anyone who would like to help make the opening a glowing success can craft his/her own Blinky—a glowing hat, blinking robot or a brilliantly colorful hairband—and wear it throughout the evening.

Am 31.8. geht es los, mit CREATE YOUR WORLD, dem Jugendfestival der Ars Electronica.

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31.8.2011 Mi/Wed - 02.09.2011 Fr/Fr; 04.09.2011 So/Sun - 06.09.2011 Di/Tue ZWISCHENDECK und MASCHINENRAUM

Teilchen & Kosmos

The Institute of High Energy Physics (AT) offers a glimpse behind the scenes of scientific research. The Cosmic Radiation workshop gives an up-close look at the state of the universe shortly after The Big Bang. At The Secret of Particles from Outer Space, kids can enter a kind of spark chamber and experience how mysterious particles from the cosmos bombard Earth. The 3-D film Inside LHC accompanies Austrian physicist Michael Hoch on his way down into the LHC’s 27km-long tunnel.

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31.08.2011 Mi/Wed 10:00-21:00, ZWISCHENDECK-MainGallery

HappyLab + Vienna Fab Lab

Ideen brauchen Raum, um entwickelt und umgesetzt werden zu können. Ein „Fab Lab“ bietet nicht nur den Raum, sondern auch die nötigen Maschinen, um eigene Projekte zu verwirklichen.

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06.09.2011 Di/Tue 19:30-21:00, BRÜCKE

Vortrag André Stern und Podiumsdiskussion

Vortrag André Stern und Podiumsdiskussion

02.09.2011 Fr/Fr 14:00-17:00; 05.09.2011 Mo/Mon 14:00-17:00 ZWISCHENDECK-Seminarraum

Move it! – Hexapods

Robots are especially fascinating when the way they look is inspired by animals or human beings, whereby a key attribute is their specific mode of locomotion—i.e. how they run. What’s called for here is bionics, an approach that attempts to apply biological processes to technology. In the Move It – Hexapods! workshop, participants will teach Captain Ahab, a six-legged robot developed at the Hagenberg Campus of the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, how to run.

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02.09.2011 Fr/Fr 11:00-13:00; 05.09.2011 Mo/Mon 11:00-13:00 ZWISCHENDECK-Seminarraum

Schattenspiele Traummaschinen

Here, kids can emulate the artists whose works are on display in “What Machines Dream Of” and build amazing shadow games out of electronic junk and other seemingly useless things. Following the example of LOST, they can experiment with their own shadow, recreate topographies and build their own dream landscapes they can artfully contour with light & shadow effects.

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01.09.2011 Do/Thu 13:00-15:00; 06.09.2011 Di/Tue 15:00-19:00ZWISCHENDECK-Seminarraum


BioLab-Präsentationen Stefan Schwarzmayr und Theresa Minsky


Home Made Music Workshop / femous (Sweet Susie)

Workshop, 12 participants
basic computerskills required!

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01.09.2011 Do/Tue 10:00-17:00, Kajüte

Get.Ideas: Kreativitätstechniken als Wege zur Projektidee

Get.Ideas is a workshop that gets you acquainted with various creativity techniques and lets you try them out, and it’s also meant to generate ideas for concrete projects having to do with the environment and sustainability. The most interesting concepts will receive support to be developed further.

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