DEEP SPACE LIVE Experimental Game Design

Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences
Upper Austria (AT) / Interactive Media and Digital Arts programs

Young designers and up-and-coming creatives in the field of interactive game design will work together with festivalgoers to come up with elements for a game. The aim is blend in analog techniques to produce a game-playing performance for the theatrical stage.

DEEP SPACE LIVE The Third and the Seventh

Alex Roman (ES)
Prix Ars Electronica 2011, Award of Distinction, Computer Animation / Film / VFX

The Third and the Seventh

The Third and The Seventh is an ironic take on perfection and beauty. Full of subtle allusions to the animation milestones of the 20th century’s architectural and cinematic world of imagery, this work conveys us through an aseptic, romantically transfigured concept of perfection.


Jerry T. Bonell (US), Dietmar Hager (AT) and ESO Scientists

Top experts will convey their astronomical knowledge to novices, intermediate students and advanced practitioners, and elaborate on what humankind now knows about the universe. Jerry T. Bonell (US) of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center will explain the “hot universe” that is brimming with high-energy insights. Scientists of the European Southern Observatory in Chile, on the other hand, will introduce us to the “cold universe”. The visible portion of the cosmos will be explained by Dietmar Hager (AT), an astrophotographer who’s certainly the right man for this job.

Dienstag 1.9.
AEC Deep Space 10h00 – 11h00:
THema: Einführung in die Vortragsserie von 1. Bis 6.9. NASA Wissenschaftler Jerry Bonnell stellt sein Programm vor.

Freitag 2.9.
AEC Deep Space 10h00-13h00
THEMA: Das heiße, das sichtbare und das kalte unsichtbare Universum
AEC 16h00-19h00
THEMA: Jerry Bonnell NASA Aufregende Bilder des Universums

Zeitgleich ab Nachmittag 2.9.
Dietmar Hager 14h00 – 20h00 Am Pettenfirst in Thomasroith Theater am Hausruck:
Workshop: Vom Wurzelwerk zum Sternernhimmel 14h00-18h00
Vortrag: Mensch im Kosmos 19h00-20h30

Samstag 3.9.
AEC Deep Space 10h00 – 13h00:
THEMA: Das Extremyl large Teleskop in 3d !; Gamma Ray bursts NASA, Uniview – das Universum in 3d Stereo.
AEC Deep Space 18h00 – 20h00
THEMA: Das heiße, das sichtbare und das kalte unsichtbare Universum Pettenfirst Thomasroith 220h00: Sterndlgucken mit Riesenfernrohr. NASA Wissenschaftler demonstriert das Universum mit Dietmar Hagers Super-Teleskop. Die Gemeinden in der Umgebung schalten das Licht bei Nacht ab. Bahn frei für die Sterne !

Sonntag 4.9
AEC Deep Space 10h00-11h00
THEMA: Brandneue Bilder der ESO und von der NASA AEC Deep Space 12h00-13h00
THEMA: Brandneue Bilder der ESO und von der NASA AEC Deep Space 16h00-19h00
THEMA: Ursprung der Milchstrasse, das schwarze Loch im Zentrum. Uniview: das Universum in 3d Stereo!
Petrinum 19h00: Sunset parcours. Gemeinsamer Spaziergang mit NASA Wissenschaftler Bonnell und Dietmar Hager zur Petrinum-Sternwarte.

Montag 5.9. und Dienstag 6.9.
AEC Deep Space 10h00-11h00: Chill out. Die schönsten Astrobilder mit Musik von Thomas Nordwest ( Diese Information ist auch verfügbar unter : Dr. Dietmar Hager, F.R.A.S. Fellow oft he Royal Astronomical Society; Kurator des AEC Linz; ESO – public outreach Partner

DEEP SPACE LIVE Le Phénomène Atmosphérique / Dreams

Ina Conradi (US/SG), Mark Chavez (US/SG), Yoon Wai Cheong Davier (SG), Tan Cheng Quan Josh (SG)

Le Phénomène Atmospherique is an impressive film about meteorological phenomena. Dreams combines digital drawings with experimental animation, and invites viewers to go on a kaleidoscopic journey into abstract worlds of imagery.

DEEP SPACE LIVE Outline Blue Planet

Alexander Soucek (AT)
Featuring breathtaking images from outer space, Blue Planet takes viewers on a fascinating journey to places at which the power of life and nature manifests itself.


DoppelLab software was developed at the MIT Media Lab in Boston (US). It can work dynamically with real-time data delivered by sensors such as those installed in a private home. DoppelLab uses these data to create virtual worlds that enable users not only to get an overview of what’s happing in the house but also to directly intervene in those events.

The conceptual point of departure of this is the fact that, wherever we go, we always leave behind traces—data that can be gathered, evaluated and stored to memory. The only question has to do with the form in which such data has to be put in order for us to really be able to understand it and the reason why we’re using this information.

To achieve this objective, the project crew’s building on the MIT campus was equipped with lots of sensors that registered every movement in the facility and visualized as moving points of light the constant comings & goings in the halls, offices and lobby.

Such a 3D model of the MIT building will be on display at Deep Space. More or less concentrated groupings of points of light provide precise information about which rooms people are currently using or moving through.
An interactive installation at the Ars Electronica Center makes it possible to step out of the role of non-participant observer, to be visible at MIT and, while still in Linz, to interact with MIT personnel.

MIT Media Lab – Responsive Environments Group (Gershon Dublon, Laurel S. Pardue, Brian D. Mayton, Noah Swartz, Patrick Hurst, Nicholas D. Joliat, Joseph A. Paradiso / US)

DEEP SPACE LIVE Teilchen & Kosmos

The Institute of High Energy Physics (AT) offers a glimpse behind the scenes of scientific research. The Cosmic Radiation workshop gives an up-close look at the state of the universe shortly after The Big Bang. At The Secretof Particles from Outer Space, kids can enter a kind of spark chamber and experience how mysterious particles from the cosmos bombard Earth. The 3-D film Inside LHC accompanies Austrian physicist Michael Hoch on his way down into the LHC’s 27km-long tunnel.