Akademisches Gymnasium


BlindMaps is an R&D project that aims to come up with navigation aids to make it easier and safer for blind people to get around in cities they’re unfamiliar with. Continue reading

Real Imaginary Objects

Daniel Crooks, Artist in Residence of Ars Electronica Futurelab, presents three-dimensional sculptures at the Future Playground as well as in the Ars Electronica Center. Continue reading


Is sound almost completely devoid of its source’s perspective even conceivable? “Planted,” a sound installation that Young Sun Kim created during his residency at the Ars Electronica Futurelab, is an answer to these questions. Continue reading

Ars Electronica Residency Network (AERN)

The Ars Electronica Futurelab has a long track record of working with artists and researchers in residence and is specialized on working on trans-disciplinary projects that are located at the nexus of art, technology and society, and has a worldwide network of collaborating partners. Continue reading

Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy 2014

For the second time (after the initial collaboration in 2013), this year’s festival features the results of an Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy held at Queensland University of Technology (AU). Continue reading

Tour people with impaired mobility

The FAB Jugend Virtual Office (AT) fosters and trains young people who, due to physical handicaps, can’t work with their hands. At Ars Electronica they will explore the festival and summerize their experience in a guided tour. Continue reading

Connecting Cities – The Participatory City

(Deutsch) Der Wandel des Lebensraums Stadt steht beim Connecting-Cities-Schwerpunktthema The Participatory City im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Gefragt waren künstlerische Arbeiten im öffentlichen Raum, die neue Möglichkeiten der Interaktion von Stadt und StädterInnen auftun und ein kritisches Bewusstsein für die laufenden urbanen Veränderungsprozesse schaffen sollen. Continue reading

Connecting Cities: Entangled Sparks

(Deutsch) Wer schon einmal die Sehnsucht verspürt haben sollte, ein Pixel zu adoptieren, kann sich dank Entangled Sparks diesen Wunsch nun erfüllen Continue reading

Henri. The Experiment

Divided up into five groups, young people take a close-up look at social reality. What’s the deeper meaning of the terms trust, humanity, social innovation and resilience? These concepts occupied the attention of Red Cross founder Henri Dunant, and are still deserving of consideration today. Continue reading

Forum of the Academy of Austrian Film

Why do you make films? The Academy of Austrian Film will pose a presumably simple question at the forum staged in conjunction with u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD this year. The tantalizing nature of the query is further heightened by the composition of the panel whose members will be responding from their very diverse perspectives. Continue reading