Ars Electronica Center

c – Changed Education

What’s necessary for innovation to occur? What are the preconditions for social renewal? These issues aren’t just the concern of the 2014 Ars Electronica Festival; scholars and practitioners in the field of education are working on them too. The pedagogical answers are many and varied. One especially promising one is inclusion. Continue reading

Teh House of Pong

To illustrate the evolution of computer games Teh House of Pong compares iconic games from the past with recent games. Continue reading

PLEN Workshop

Build a humanoid robot – all its components can be produced with every 3D printer. Continue reading


Iris is a pair of hands that communicates with participants by hand gestures solely. Through interacting with Iris, audience will then discover and create the language to “talk” with her, which leads to the investigation of human’s behavioural codes by manifesting hand gestures in a mischievous manner. Continue reading

Featured Artists: Shinseungback Kimyonghun (KR)

The featured artists at the 2014 Ars Electronica Festival are a duo from the Republic of Korea. Since 2012, computer specialist Shin Seung Back and artist Kim Yong Hun have been working together. 10 works representative of their oeuvre are on display at Ars Electronica. Continue reading

Device Art Symposium

Device Art deploys novel materials and techniques to create high-tech appliances featuring sophisticated, cool design. The objects’ inherent convergence of technology, art and design calls into questions conventional paradigms operational in the art world. Continue reading

Device Art

Device art is a relatively young art form that is to use innovative materials and techniques to create high-tech appliances featuring sophisticated, cool design. The newest exhibition of the Ars Electronica Center. Continue reading

Tourism and the Creative Economy

How the tourism sector and the creative economy can work together and benefit from each other is the subject of a large-scale study by the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. A workshop for invited guests. Continue reading