Festival to go

Highlight Tour / English

An entertaining tour through the FestivalCity – in English language. Continue reading

Highlight Tour / German

An entertaining tour through the FestivalCity – in German language. Continue reading

SchuhzuGehör_path of awareness linz 2014

Depending of the kind of soles on walkers’ shoes and the composition of the surface they’re walking on, their particular gait produces a distinctive sound. Walk through the city with katrinem and your ears. Continue reading

WE GUIDE YOU Community Parcours

(Deutsch) Um den Zugang zu Kunst und Kulturevents zu erleichtern, bieten wir in diesem Jahr kostenlose Führungen für Angehörige unterschiedlicher Communities an. Einerseits gibt es Touren für Gehbehinderte, Gehörlose genauso wie für Blinde und Sehbehinderte. Andererseits wird es Führungen in den Muttersprachen der österreichischen Minderheiten geben: Türkisch, Serbokroatisch, Rumänisch, Tschechisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Slownisch und Thai. Continue reading

Sonotopia – Workshop

In “Sonotopia” Hörstadt showcases Bischofshof’s urban architecture as a tonal ensemble. At this workshop, interested members of the public will be able to try their hand at conducting this orchestra. Continue reading

Sonotopia – Resounding City, Auditory Stroll II

The second auditory stroll with Peter Androsch in conjunction with the “Sonotopia” event resembles a walk in the clouds. Continue reading

Sonotopia – Resounding History, Auditory Stroll I

On this auditory stroll, composer and Hörstadt director Peter Androsch together with the writer Günther Androsch introduces group members to the historic architectural ensemble surrounding Bischofshof as a tonal space. Continue reading

Sonotopia – The Resounding City

“Sonotopia,” a featured event in The Resounding City series, is an acoustic exploration of the historic Bishop’s Residence on Herrengasse. Continue reading