

Weary of the media art scene’s many highly elaborate interactive installations, panGenerator, a crew from Poland, created Constellaction, a smart yet playful alternative to the stacks of hardware everyone else seems to require these days. Handy, three-dimensional tetrahedrons are the elements used to construct this array, one that’s so simple kids can master it immediately. Continue reading


The eight-minute-long experience by Grinder-Man entitled “Mirage” is dedicated to an age-old yearning: the blurring of the past and future and thus the dissolution of the reality to which we’re accustomed. Continue reading

5 robots named Paul

In a scene reminiscent of a drawing class, a human is sketched by 5 robots named Paul. Their bodies are old school desks on which the drawing paper is pinned. Their left arms, bolted on the desks, holding black biros, are only able to draw. The robots, stylised minimal obsessive artists, look alike except for their eyes, either obsolete digital cameras, or webcams. The sounds produced by the robot’s motors create an improvised soundtrack. Continue reading

Umbrella Radio

Once unfurled, umbrellas deliver crystal-clear reception within a rather intimate range. Then it’s time to lend an ear to acoustic jewels from the Ö1 Archive, a playlist selected in accordance with the Festival theme and Ö1’s autumn “Places in Transition” series. Continue reading

Expanded Animation: Exploring the Vastness of Art, Theory and Play

What used to be clearly defined boundaries separating the various types and genres of digital animation have become blurred. Expansionist tendencies are unmistakable. The 2nd Expanded Animation symposium is providing an international community with an opportunity to convene and exchange ideas about increasingly permeable borders, peripheral areas, current trends and future developments in the field of computer animation. Continue reading

Buddha on the Beach

Contemporary life is full of rapid changes, the virtual collides with reality, chaos is the ultimate master. In the current digital era, we are overloaded with information yet lack the wisdom to process it. We know everything, yet are still lost. Continue reading

Tourism and the Creative Economy

How the tourism sector and the creative economy can work together and benefit from each other is the subject of a large-scale study by the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. A workshop for invited guests. Continue reading

Information as Reality – Critical cultural practices in digital networks

Automated network systems control global production and transaction processes. Increasingly digital models and virtual information regimes modify social reality. Arts and cultural workers have played an important role in shaping these new digital worlds. Continue reading


Whenever copyright collides with the public’s interest in free access to information nowadays, online archives face numerous legal and cultural-economic challenges. The nature of the specific problems that emerge thereby and potential solutions to them are the subjects of speeches, panel discussions and workshops presented by ARCHIVIA. Continue reading

Take a Number, Leave Your Head. A Cellar Club Piece with Drinks and Dada

(Deutsch) Mit Blick nach vorn greifen Klaus Obermaier und das Ars Electronica Futurelab auf eine schon historische Kunstströmung zurück, die trotz ihrer fast 100 Jahre noch immer zu bewegen vermag: die Anti-Kunstbewegung Dadaismus mit ihrer Liebe zum Archaischen und Absurden. Continue reading