
Mobiles Ö1 Atelier: Welcome to the Change Zone

Radio Österreich 1’s Mobile Ö1 Atelier has been a Festival fixture on Linz’s Main Square for several years now. Continue reading

In Search of Lost Time

The wall installation In Search of Lost Time consists of 42 flip-flap displays arranged in a square grid. Instead of alphanumeric text, the modules are reduced to colour and movement. Continue reading

tour en l’air

In “tour en l’air,” Berlin-based artist Ursula Neugebauer evokes an unforgettable childhood experience: the thrill she felt when she got her first long skirt and the wonderful new feeling of twirling while wearing it. This was her introduction to a new form of stability amidst rotation. Continue reading

Sonic Robots

What’s still missing in electronic music? Moritz Simon Geist is convinced that it’s robots, and he created his MR-808 robot installation to begin closing this gap. Continue reading

Flying Records

This is the third time that Japanese musician and artist Ei Wada is exhibiting one of his fascinating mobile installations at Ars Electronica. Once again, it’s a work at the interface of music and the visual arts and, once again, Ei Wada has recourse to the technology that is his passion: the classical recording & playback device of the analog era. Continue reading

atOms / MoLECULE

Dance with the air: atOms and MoLECULE are two—actually invisible—kinetic installations. The fact that they actually consist of unstable, moving layers of air is made apparent by the small white balls kept hovering in midair by several fans. Continue reading

CyberArts 2014

The CyberArts exhibition is a centerpiece of the Ars Electronica Festival. It showcases works honored by the Prix Ars Electronica in 2014. Continue reading

The Soft, the Hard and the Wet

The Soft, the Hard and the Wet performance invites the public aboard MS Wissenschaft, walk through the Ars Electronica Center maindeck and step into the Stadtwerkstatt club to experience the wearable, the breakable and the imperishable. Continue reading

Water Light Graffiti

A sponge, brush or water pistol and some water—that’s all it takes to conjure up Water Light Graffiti on a wall studded with thousands of water-sensitive LEDs. The principle is simple; the results are a feast for the eyes. Continue reading


The media art installation OscFluctuation, can be seen as an interactive audiovisual instrument, which is played by the visitor’s movement. The title combines the English terms oscillation and fluctuation, which both can be traced back in such diverse fields as thermodynamics, music and quantum mechanics. Continue reading