Future Innovators Group B

THU September 4 & FRI September 5, 2014

Agnes Aistleitner
Samira Hayat
Jude Mukundane
Ivan Klimek
Shota Mori

Agnes Aistleitner (AT)
Agnes Aistleitner born 1993, has made various internships in Art, Fashion and PR in Vienna, Los Angeles and New York since 2009. In 2010 she spent a semester abroad in Japan as exchange student. In 2012 she received a Golden Nica for her short film state of revolution about the revolution in Egypt. Since 2012 she has created various projects, ranging from fashion-art exhibitions such as globalcitizen, the online learning platform pilot wahlzuckerl.org to the food project floraison.at.

Samira Hayat (PK)
Samira Hayat achieved the President’s Award for Excellence for her BSc. Electrical Engineering at the N-W.F.P. University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan. She finished MSc. Telecommunications Engineering from University of Trento, Italy, in 2012. She is currently employed at Mobile Systems group, NES Institute, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, working on communication aspects of Self-Organizing Intelligent Network of UAVs (SINUS) project, in collaboration with Lakeside Labs, Klagenfurt.

Jude Mukundane (UG)
Jude Mukundane is a software developer and a technology enthusiast. His work aims to examines existing technology to identify potential uses in solving some of the challenges faced by grassroots communities in developing societies. He spent 4 years at Uganda Telecom building systems to develop services to grassroots communities. Currently, he is the CTO of the RootIO project which is building a platform integrating telephony and the Internet to facilitate bucket sized radio stations for grassroots communities.

Shota Mori (JP)
Shota Mori is an actor, film maker and performer born in Totori, Japan. He is known as a unique performer who expresses a mixture of social issues in information society and his unique personality. Especially, his performance video using revamped iPhones was watched on YouTube over 2.8 million times. Based on the success, his artistic activity has been extended into the fields such as TV commercial film and special performance projects.

Ivan Klimek (SK)
Ivan Klimek is the founder, CEO and CTO of Excalibur, an award winning startup focused on solving the biggest Internet user experience issues of today. Prior to Excalibur, Ivan Klimek created and successfully run his own R&D consultancy company. He holds BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science, is co-author of several patent applications and presented his research on prestigious conferences such as CISS at Princeton University.

You will find all information about the Future Innovators Summit that will take place from September 4th to 7th, 2014, in Linz on ars.electronica.art/c/future-innovators-summit!

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