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Digital Musics & Sound Art – Wellenwald mit Bunker

Credit: David Ebner

David Ebner (DE)

In his installation Wellenwald mit Bunker, David Ebner reflects on the digital age and the influence of new media. The installation consists of a spruce trunk that leans on an object made of concrete. The surface of the trunk is completely covered with aluminum foil. Antennae are mounted on this, which pick up waves from their surrounding.

What we hear then are electromagnetic waves from the surroundings (e.g. our own mobile telephones), which are transformed into audible signals, but also a pre-prepared digital sound file.

Wellenwald mit Bunker is a reinterpretation of the work Fichtenstamm mit Munitionskiste by Joseph Beuys from 1972. While Beuys made use of mythical references like death and religion, in this project Ebner makes present and future appear enigmatic and mysterious – digitalized and archaic at the same time.