Curator: Dr. Predrag K. Nikolic
Teochew culture or Chaoshan culture has a long history. It originated from Chaoshan predecessors, established itself in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and has features such as Teochew dialect, opera, music, cuisine, arts and crafts, and folk customs, as well as Gongfu tea. The name “Chaoshan” is a contraction of the names of two of its administrative areas, the prefecture-level cities of Chaozhou, and Shantou. The characteristics and influences of Teochew culture are evident in the philosophies, speaking habits, and customs of Shantounese people.
Teochew string music is the eternal inspiration for many generations of Shantounese, reflecting the way they live and learn, and the ideas and creations they have disseminated all over the world for more than a thousand years. That is the reason we named the exhibition “Melodies from Teochew Strings“. The melodies and the Teochew string instrument as the metaphors for the fresh ideas and novel aesthetic concepts derived from the mix of native Chinese heritage and technology. Furthermore, it is a speculative futuristic vision of human society, environment, and interactions offered by the Digital Media Department at Shantou University, Cheung Kong School of Art and Design and their young students who are part of the modern design reform of China in the 21st century.

Shantou University is a comprehensive university established in 1981 with the approval of the State Council. The school was supported by famous patriots and internationally renowned entrepreneur Mr. Li Kashing. Currently, Shantou University is a tertiary institution jointly established by the Ministry of Education, Guangdong Province, and the Li Ka Shing Foundation. Shantou University Cheung Kong School of Art and Design is strongly committed to providing professional design education that highlights creativity, and promoting individual creative thinking with a focus on integrating Chinese culture with new world concepts.

Hongsheng Gao (CN)
This project is interrogative design research into the trend of online social network service platforms and a proposal for speculative interactions.

Design for Social Innovation – Interactive Installation Before & Beyond
Predrag K. Nikolic (RS)
The intention is to provoke instant reactions from the participants in terms of social behavior

The Digital Transformation of Chengdu Museum
Wang Xin (CN)
The goal was to make Chengdu Museum’s content more interactive and engaging.

Design for Behavioural Change - Interactive Installation InnerBody
Predrag K. Nikolic (RS)
InnerBody is the interactive installation where visitors are invited to interact with the human-heart shaped interface and take a fake medical examination.

Interactive Cities - Interactive Wall Projection The Light and Shade of Realm
Yang Hua (CN)
The Light and Shade of Realm is a vertical projection interaction work about light and shadow.

Art of AI Sense, Robot-Robot Interactions – Syntropic Counterpoints: Robosophy Philosophy
Predrag K. Nikolic (RS)
The artwork Robosophy Philosophy is part of the project Syntropic Counterpoints which has been conceptualized in the form of series of discussions between artificial intelligence clones.

The Future of Unattended Retail Shops
Zhou Pu Fang (CN)
The project is focused on exploring new opportunities and offering design speculation for BingoBox unattended retail shops.

Interaction Design Fiction, the Three Body Problem
Zhang Hongxiang (CN)
This work on the Three-Body Problem is design fiction on how people will read books in the future.

VR Werewolf
Shuang Liang (CN)
The project VR Werewolf presents the vision of future mobile gaming.