Atlas is a work between digital arts and visual arts, in the form of an interactive and scenographic exhibition (a mix between real models and a VR/AR experience).
After being plunged in an archipelago of poetical islands, spectators are invited to build virtual cities using a “seed launcher”. Each launch causes a house to grow. The growing houses follow some urbanistic rules, adapting to their environment. There are cities in the clouds, uprooted cities, cities on stilts, flying cities…
Spectators create empty cities, without inhabitants, given free rein to imagine what happens inside these houses. The cities take on a life of their own, with or without the interactions of users, just like living organisms…
The work allows you to create huge cities, in which you can wander and lose yourself. It provokes a reflection on urbanism, architecture, and their influence on our lifestyles. It gives life to inanimate things…

STARTS Residencies form one of the STARTS Pillars. This program is supporting and funding 45 artistic residencies that bring original artistic contributions to technology-based research projects between 2017 and 2020. During each STARTS Residency, a tech project collaborates with an artist, leading to the creation of an original artwork, and to the development of the innovative aspects of the tech research. A grant (up to 30,000€) is awarded to the artist of each STARTS Residency as a contribution to their involvement in the residencies programme. Additional support to the residency can also be brought by a producer.
An experience by Yann Deval & Marie G. Losseau
With the support of VERTIGO STARTS program of the European Commission with IRCAM-Centre Pompidou and EPFL Museum Lab, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Cocof, Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale de Molenbeek Saint-Jean, Fablab’ke, Wallonie-Bruxelles International