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Re: LIFESCIENCE: The Clone Age : Adventures in the New World of Reproductive Technology

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

>I submit that,  We are not "Conscious" ( unless we are a Buddha, sigh... )

but perhaps all energetic vibrtation is consciousness -so that everything
from viral life to the cosmos itself has a conscious adgenda..beyond what
we can "see".  in this area contemp popular physics seems to be mirroring
5000 year old  tantric philosophy

>>> motivated by profit was in the 1950ties, that sounds interesting, do you
>>> an example for that?

1950 was a random date of fond recall for a past where  progress=good, the
future was fabulous and one could believe in family values and governmental
benovalence, b4 widespread tv, b4 vietnam, b4 genome, b4 it became obvious
that medicne often causes more problems than it fixed..like the world
health organisation spreading HCV thru asian countries with infected
vaccine for another illness..etc..

>I am of the belief that most innovations happen where we will never see
>them, and then enter into the bio-morphemic unconscious field for others to

 yes I am optimistic about our evolution too..which is why i work on the
net... where i think its possible  that the divergent flows can  feedback
into eachother, and that the singularity/rigid identity is shifting into
more cooperative ventures..hate to mention open source..but it  is a good


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