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LIFESCIENCE: Re: A Reactionary Reaction

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

Trevor schrieb:

> Concidering the current "Lifescience" discussion takes place within an
> artistic context, it is perhaps not surprising that there is a general
> ondertone that Science is dangerous and frightening (although potentially
> useful) but fortunately we have Art which will save the world from all things
> evil.

no that is not the point for me. The point is not either that art itself has to
become evil. I mean in just like Niklas Luhmann told us, that art will produce the
objects for communication in the field of lifesciences.

> Over the last hundred years science has increased in self-criticism while art
> has decreased in self-criticism.

that is very true, there has to be the same process in art too and a farewell to
the paradigm of the artist genius

> So where (or what) are the self-correcting mechanisms within art?

at the moment i don4t know perhaps may be we try to develop it on the list?

> Can "Artistic Malpractice" be objectively defined?

i don4t not what malpractice is?

> Not being a theologian, with a hot-line to God (in all her magnificant
> manifestations), I do not know why we should trust artists to be above the
> normal temptations of mankind.

we should not

> Can we look forward to someone paying great sums of money for the privelege of
> being the first person to die of an infectious work of art?

this is a  very provocative question, that will appear if art returns to the times
of dada-like shocking tactics, but as Friedrich Kittler says art does not kill,
but media do.

> How do we know that we are dealing with a real work of art and not an
> infiltrated "trojan horse" created by some perfidious military or business
> person?

> Shall wars in future perhaps be fought by infecting the enemy with
> "genetically modified art"?

> Or can we look forward to a democratic future where we have all become
> "genetically modified works of art"?

dear trevor
you4re doing such a good job that i am not able to respond to all your ideas,
these are all very interesting points for the discussion, so maybe i try to repeat
your points during the discussion later again.
thank you very much, great stuff for the discussion
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