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Main IndexLIFESCIENCE: Re: loss
--------------------------------------------------------- ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 99 LIFESCIENCE Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09 http://www.aec.at/lifescience --------------------------------------------------------- hi melinda hi to all of you on the list, good to have you back on the discussion, I was a bit out of it writing my article for the ars catalogue. now i am back too. melinda rackham schrieb: > and pop culture is full of fear around it. that is true there is more about that in popular culture than in any art piece i suppose. > . was watching a trash movie on > tv last nite about a computer virus entering the biological body > ..transferred from screen thru the eyes- altering cell responses as light > does.. and killing people..nice concept... sounds funny > this morning i read about banns > on geneticaly modified food in the weekend papers, you will not see anything about that in popular culture, very delicate dealing with food there too birgit richard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are subscribed to the English language version of LIFESCIENCE To unsubscribe the English language version send mail to lifescience-en-request@aec.at (message text 'unsubscribe') Send contributions to lifescience@aec.at --------------------------------------------------------------------------