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LIFESCIENCE: Gods and Monsters 2

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
Dear Speer (and to whom it may concern)=0D
i use a bright spectrum usually. =0D
And i dont think that analizing the future means forgetting the past.=0D
What i think is that the debate in the list seems to have taken a turn of ha=
rd condamn of everithyng happening in the biogenetic science.=0D
It is true that the function of intellectuals is interrogating the new pheno=
mena and organize resistance against evil use of technology.=0D
But there is  a huge area of necessities concerning the quality and lasting =
of life to whom biotechnology seems to answer.=0D
Working on people's desires in this list could be more important that condam=
ning lifescience.=0D
Ciao =0D
Lorenzo Taiuti  =0D

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