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Re: LIFESCIENCE: Gods and Monsters 4

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

    on the issue of old men younger women insemination 

   won't it be great when we can , or they can (in their procreative
narcissism) have women and men ability to impregnate themselves.  from
biokits they can buy online from a pharmaceutical sites??

    was thinking about my friend marianne amascher and a converstai0on i had
with her..  she mentioned that a dream of john cages was to capture the way
a fly sounds as it passes your ear..  think of swarms of bio(mechanical?)
flies that carry music near your ears.. or bioengineered "musicians" that
can be capable of crteating sounds,, and what that orchestra could look and
sound like..

   I'm not usually prone to sci fi extrapolations.. but i'm feeling that
these extrapolations might not be too far off..

   has anyone heard the meme that japan is not as interested in the internet
as they are in "entertainment robots" ,, which will be bio robots soon not
just mechanical..

     the fly and the orchestra would be such "robots" or perhaps " biobots"??

   automatons of flesh??  but aren't we all just that??


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