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Re: LIFESCIENCE: gender 1

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
dear lubica lacinova,

Clinical genetics is dominated by males and they do like to exert control.

> Nevertheless, for me is more important question if women should really accept
> "industrialization" of formerly natural reproduction.

you are absolutely right i am probably not so well informed about alternative
possibilities for women to plan these issues autonomously

> Not that long time ago
> cesarean section was exceptional procedure. Now, 25% of all births in USA are
> done that way. The question is, did general health status of women
> deteriorated so rapidly (if so, how comes that there is no furor
> about it ?!?) or it is just extension of the obsession of our society with
> modern technology and control?

yes  i also read about that and i asked myself what is natural and what are the
technical implication forced upon women birth in a clinical e.g. the lying
position is already not natural and not comfortable for women.

> men and/or women. The point is not to increase accessibility of "alternative
> conception methods", the point is to reject their use in cases when they are
> not a necessity.

i must confess that i am not able to judge what is a medical necessity and what
is not. i would be always like to the whole topic of life science dependend on
informations of other people of experts. i am only able to choose my source of

> >so woman will be mostly not able to
> >know about all the possiblities of genetics and reproductive technologies,
> >especially if they have little money (in germany they cutting down the rates
> >for consultations with special machines, if you have normal insurance you
> >have to pay extra money to make ultrasonic images of the fetus)
> I can not see the direct connection between lack of money and lack of
> informations, particularly in Germany. You have quite good network of public
> libraries, most of the households have TV.

yes but tv is not a neutral medium

> As far as the informations about
> reproductive technologies will be publicly available, women can find them.

okay i agree with that but what if you read about the suitable methods for you
and do not find anyone to realize it for you?

> Nevertheless, stress should go in direction to explain, that these
> technologies are not superior to -- so to say -- natural reproduction.

that is a very important point the possibilty to choose

> >the cases of a doctor in rome allowing a 63 year old woman to give birth to
> >until now two sons was a scandal the critique was how irresponsible this
> >woman is to give birth at that age because she will die soon.
> >what about all old man being father in senior age. This is indeed normal and
> >accepted by society.
> Yes, you are right: society expect mother to take care of child, father's
> obligations are much less binding. Question is, which part of this situation
> deserves more attentions: should we request less from mothers or should we
> require more from fathers? My preference is the second one.

mine too

sorry for my broken english, difficult work to concentrate on today, not very
good today in making english sentences

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