To effectively complement the 2008 festival theme, "A New Cultural Economy. The Limits of Intellectual Property" this year's tours and mediation program are being staged under the motto "Knowledge for All". Overview presentations will be providing interesting insights into the latest developments at the nexus of art, technology and society, but there'll also be room for highly individualized approaches and points of view.
Thanks to the efforts of a St. Pölten Technical College TV crew, it'll also be possible this year to take a tour through the festival from the privacy of your own home.
Even before the Festival begins, some young people are already actively involved in a critical encounter with this year's themes. In the context of an international camp of the Kinderfreunde in Upper Austria teenage participants from 7 different European countries create videos on topics like knowledge/learning – property – New Media/Internet.
During the festival, you’ll be able to hear and see a diverse array of impressions and opinions about the overall program, which will be transmitted directly to the Ars Electronica Center.
Supported by Liwest Kabelmedien