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Crossing & The Nomadic Lines of Flight

Shirley Shor (US)

07.09. to 11.09. from 10:00


Nomadic Lines Of Flight, 2003
Software Art installation
"From lines of division and separation to nomadic lines of flight - lines that carry us away, a flow of deterritorialization" - Deleuze
The piece attempts to create a notion of liquid architecture. A mutating grid is generated by software code. An unstable structure in motion, Nomadic Lines of Flight is about spaces construction. The time component activates and transforms these spaces by challenging our perception of boundaries - constantly shifting the boundaries causes space to become temporal.

Crossing, 2003
Software Art Installation
Crossing is a random network of pure black and white trajectories whose occasional collisions suggest a possible topography; an action of writing and erasing at the same time; a form of appearance and disappearance.

The grid animation is generated in real-time by computer software, and is based on a set of simple rules. It creates a complex visual structures consisting of abstract lines in motion. This organic-like architecture challenges our perception of space, time and boundaries.

Shirley Shor (1971) is a new media artist and writer. Her work is about the playful vitality of space and about movement generating spaces. Real Time is her preferred medium; for her, it is the only way for text-image and the world to become one.
For the last two years she’s been exhibiting new media projects in galleries, museums and new media festivals around the world.
Shirley holds BA in Art History and Philosophy from the Tel-Aviv University, and is currently an MFA candidate at the Conceptual Information Art program at the San Francisco State University.

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at