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Floating Points im OMV Klangpark
Live-Performances by AGF and Koan Master

Antye Greie (DE)

Brucknerhaus, Donaupark
07.09. 20:30
curated by Tim Didymus (UK)

A 250,000-watt acoustic ambience in the Donaupark; the star of this year’s show: KOAN music software. Generative tonal algorithms provide the soundscape in the park on the banks of the Danube, with software assuming the role of composer.

agf aka antye greie (D) is musician. producer. vocalist. author. artist and currently living in berlin. agf got internationally know by recording herself reading lines of code and then deconstructing them into sluice of broken syllables and bursts of breath. AGF takes what has been done before with DSP laptop electronics and turns it on its head electronic roar. subsonic beats. vocal processing. lyric sampling. multilingual.

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at