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POL - Mechatronic Performance

Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca (ES)

11.09. 21:00

An ironic and poetic fable as the outcome of the interaction among performers, audience members and machines. Sound, visual staging elements and robots that are part of the dramatic plot are controlled live via the performers’ exoskeletons. The audience can utilize two oversized joysticks—so-called totems—to interject new sound patterns and activate images on the screens. The tremendous appeal of this performance stems from the contrast between the simple fable—a bunny in search of love—and is elaborately, interactively staged production.
The stage set goes high-tech—an ingenious and imaginative blend of media fiction and theater.

A cooperation with Posthof Linz
POL is a production of PANSPERMIA S.L.
Co-produced by: Festival d’Estiu de Barcelona Grec 2002, Mercat de les Flors, MEDIA-EUROPA¡ Fira de Teatre de Tàrrega
Supported by: Institut Català de les Indústries Culturals – Generalitat de Catalunya, INAEM-Ministerio de Educación, Deporte y Cultura, ICUB-Ajuntament de Barcelona.
In collaboration with COPEC, Lufthansa.
Collaborators: FESTO, Josep Abril, Sanyo, Native Instruments, Vegap, New Balance, Fundición Ubach, Macanitzats EBLAN


© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at