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Benjamin Fry (US)
Casey Reas (US)

07.09. to 11.09. from 10:00

Processing: a programming language, a graphical programming environment, an instructional user interface and, at the same time, a designer community. Workshops and demonstrations display the potential of Processing, which enables users—even those with no programming skills—to create dynamic screen designs with a high level of sophistication. Processing is an expanded version of Java with a highly simplified and abbreviated syntax. In this way, graphical programming is transformed from technical writing into a communicative procedure. Every piece of software developed thereby is made available to the community at www.proce55ing.net, which thus develops into an artistic, open source network.

The electrolobby engenders and cultivates a workshop atmosphere, and artists are invited to work on-site with software. Visitors in turn, have the chance to observe the creative process up close and to experience a personal introduction by the artists themselves to the work being done. One highlight will be the beta-launch of Processing software, which will be presented to the general public in Linz and put to the test once more by the artistic works of invited electrolobby participants.

Participants: Casey Reas (USA), Ben Fry (USA), Amit Pitaru (USA), Hernando Barragan (COL / I), Golan Levin (USA), Lia (A), Marius Watz (SF / D), Schoenerwissen (D), Juha Huuskonen (SF)

Processing is an open project initiated by Ben Fry and Casey Reas. It is currently developed in the Aesthetics and Computation Group at the MIT Media Lab, the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (I), and by a group of developers distributed across the Net.

Benjamin Fry (USA) is a doctoral candidate at the M IT Media Laboratory. His research focuses on methods of visualizing large amounts of data from dynamic information sources. At M IT, he is a member of the Aesthetics and Computation Group, led by John Maeda. Ben received an undergraduate degree from the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University, with a major in Graphic Design and a minor in Computer Science.

Casey Reas (USA) is an associate professor at the newly established Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in northern Italy. With Ben Fry of the MIT Media Lab, he is currently developing "Processing", a platform for learning fundamentals of computer programming within the context of the media arts. Reas' work explores kinetic systems through diverse digital media including software art, prints, animation, installations, and responsive sculpture.

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at