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Can You See Me Now?
Prix Ars Electronica 2003, Golden Nica / Interactive Art

Blast Theory (UK)

OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich
06.09. to 11.09. from 10:00

Participants equipped with a cell phone and a GPS system track down online players. The upshot is the interpenetration of real and virtual space, of presence and absence.

Blast Theory are: Matt Adams, Ju Row Farr, Nicholas Tandavanitj

Blast Theory (UK) is one of the most adventurous artists' groups in Britain making interactive performances, installations, video and mixed reality projects. Combining rigorous research and development with leading edge technologies, their work confronts a media saturated world in which popular culture rules to ask questions about the ideologies present in the information that envelops us.

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at