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DVD 2000, 2:30 min, color, sound

Kunstuniversität Linz
06.09. to 11.09. from 13:30

“There are wonderful opportunities to do business in Singapore.” – “Yes, and Hong Kong is even better.” – “… but you’re forgetting something—Beijing is the emerging city.” (quoted by C. Seibt)
Gerber / Bardill gathered the material for *Forum* at the 2000 World Economic Forum in Davos. The on-screen sequences are superimposed upon one another on multiple video tracks. They create a turbulent flow of events featuring animalized helicopters. Large and small, near and far—like swarming insects, the helicopters float through the air, jabbing at or reconciling with one another. More and more of them, louder and louder—as their numbers increase, the rhythm accelerates. Wild rotor blades flap around like wings in a playful battle.

Gabriela Gerber/Lukas Bardill


© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at