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Prix Ars Electronica 2003, Golden Nica / Interactive Art

Blast Theory (UK)
Mixed Reality Lab (UK)

OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich
06.09 from 10:30 to 24:00
07.09 to 11.09 from 10:00 to 24:00

A game in which reality and virtuality, presence and absence overlap. A city’s network of streets becomes a virtual map on which a manhunt is played out. Online players move as avatars across the metropolitan grid and are tracked down by runners, members of Blast Theory who are equipped with cell phones and GPS equipment and are moving about in the actual city. When an online player gets bagged, the runner takes a picture of the spot—an evidentiary photograph with human subjects absent.

A collaboration with the Mixed Reality Laboratory, University of Nottingham (UK)

Blast Theory (UK) is one of the most adventurous artists' groups in Britain making interactive performances, installations, video and mixed reality projects. Combining rigorous research and development with leading edge technologies, their work confronts a media saturated world in which popular culture rules to ask questions about the ideologies present in the information that envelops us.

Mixed Reality Lab (UK) is an interdisciplinary research initiative at the University of Nottingham. The MRL brings together leading researchers in Computer Science, Engineering and Psychology to research new technologies that merge the physical and digital worlds, focusing on playful, artistic and educational applications.

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at