For the fourth year, the premises of Linz’s University of Art become an exhibition venue for an international art college that takes an innovative approach to teaching media art and culture. The 2004 guest is IAMAS, a renowned educational institution in Ogaki, Gifu, Japan. IAMAS—comprising the International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences and the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences—pursues an interdisciplinary educational concept that ranges from network design, computer-generated design, animation, information and interface design, and interactive media art to media aesthetics. A wide-ranging exhibit of student projects and a documentation of IAMAS’s biennial media art festival as well as some results of the school’s own artist-in-residence program will be presented at Linz’s University of Art. IAMAS will present an extensive film program in conjunction with Movieline.
In cooperation with IAMAS and Hochschule für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz
Coordination: Tadashi Yokoyama, Christa Sommerer, Hiroshi Yoshioka, Keiko Kobayashi, Miki Fukuda, CMC Center for Media Culture, Rainer Zendron, André Zogholy
IAMAS: Progressive Media Art Education from Japan (English) IAMAS: Progressive Media Art Education from Japan (Japanese)
Now! Exhibit works Natsu Kawakita + Nobuya Suzuki: KARAKURI BLOCK (Mechanical block) Mika Miyabara + Tatsuo Sugimoto: title: bounce street Masaki Yamabe: An Experiment for New Hiragana Yosuke Kawamura: TEXTRON Tomohiko Saito + Tomoyuki Shigeta: 8 viewpoints Mika Fukumori: Ototenji (sound-braille) Nobuhisa Ishizuka: Heaven´s Eye ressentiment: ikisyon 11 (11th RU society - ikisyon) Tomoyuki Shigeta + Takanori Endo + Takuya Sakuragi: Irodori Hiroko Tochigi: Yoi-no Mujina Goushi (Fantasy stories set in the early evening with mujina monster) Hiroaki Goto: Iow Mika Fukumori: Letter Picture Book: Shiroi hon (White book) Jun Watanabe: domino Rina Okazawa: michikake (phases of the moon) Jean-Marc Pelletier: Kemuri-mai Tomohiro Sato: FloatingMemories Chiharu Nishiyama + Kouki Yamada: Diary Aiko Utsumi: colors Toshiyuki Nagashima: polyphony ver1.0 Producer: Aske Dam (Telenor); Cooperation: IAMAS, Web Director: Atsuko UDA, Web; Designer: Aya Fukuda: Life in Norway Akinori Oishi: Micro-Plantation Kohei Kawasaki: aggregation Kayo Kurita + Takahiro Kobayashi: far beside Yasuyuki Nagashima: Nagashima book (The other Nagashima) Michihito Mizutani: Tasting Music
Now! Screening works Hirotomo Yamashita: goldentime Satoshi Uemine: in- Ken Morita: SLIMDOWN Hirofumi Ohashi: CUBE Katsumi Iwata: Karaena Tadasu Takamine: inertia Taishi Yamamoto: KITSUNE-MAI-sacred dance Masakazu Saito, Rintaro Teshima: R Kanako Imao: The ATMAN Yoshiyuki Sakuragi: KO-KOTSU #2 Naoki Nishiwaki: AnaGuRaHaJiMaRi Tateki Futagami: Section chief and Mr. Tanaka Tadashi Okabe: frame Keiko Matsunaga: Life Line Ma Chao: MY OLD HOME Takahiro Hayakawa: kashikokimono Arisa Wakami: air Mayumi Tsuboi: The Story of Floating Dots Keiko Hino: reflraection Aiko Inada: The boy understood well Ai Hasegawa: An example 01 Chisato Sato: tapir Kayoko Kuwayama: shi-ra Masakazu Saito : A Piece of Sunsession #02 Akio Okamoto: Snarl-Up!!! Noriyuki Kimura: V Shinjiro Maeda: On02, On03 Yasunori Ikeda: 7x7 iamasTV - remix
Play! Opening Event: Celebration March by Taro Yasuno DSP Night I - Compositions DSP Night II - Improvisations Transform
Impact! Akitsugu Maebayashi: Sonic Interface Akinori Oishi(TEAMchman): OPNIYAMA Atsuko Uda: Asian Roll
Studio! DSP Workshop Talk Session: IAMAS People in Europe Lecture: Japan in Media Art and Subculture Workshop: Play with Japanese Language Archive of "Manner Arts" Project Masayuki Akamatsu: Time Machine! InfoScape Project Atsuhito Sekiguchi + Isato Kataoka: Interactive Chaos
Food! Hisako K. Yamakawa + Yuko Abe: visible! link cafe