Wissensturm – Lernort der Zukunft
Linz’s Wissensturm—the “tower of knowledge” that houses an adult continuing education facility (VHS), public library, media workshop (MWL)
and a self-learning center (LeWis)—has made a name for itself worldwide as a promising approach to providing knowledge-based services. During the
Ars Electronica Festival, Wissensturm will set up shop on the Tabakfabrik grounds.
Offerings include:
- Use of LeWis workstations
- Reading nook stocked by the library with eBook readers, info about the digital library, and Book Crossing books
- Speaker’s Corner hosted by the MWL
- Info about the Linz Public Space Server and on-site registration
- Speeches and workshops having to do with economic activity for the common good
Plus, visitors have the opportunity to register for VHS courses and sign up for a library card.