HELLO EUROPE: VJ Joint Broadcasting Event
VJ Joint Broadcasting Event presented by Orange
HELLO EUROPE: Live Coding Performance
3.9. 21:00-22:00, Hof
Gábor Papp, Ágoston Nagy (Kitchen Budapest, HU), David Stolarsky (US) (Ars Electronica Futurelab), Stefan Tiedje (Public Art Lab Berlin – Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, DE), Slub (FACT, Liverpool, GB), presented by Orange.
AGF (DE) und Sebastian Neitsch, Woeishi Lean (AT) (Visuals)
3.9. 22:00 – 23:00, Hof
The performance of the German musician AGF is transferred from the courtyard of the tobacco factory in Linz to various cities in Europe via live video stream and can be experienced as sound and vision on the media facades of these cities. Meanwhile in Linz, the Austrian artists and VJs Sebastian Neitsch and Woeishi Lean immerse the historic façades of Linz tobacco factory with a mix of light and image signals from European media facades.
Orange Kunden haben am 3.9. kostenlos Zutritt auf das Areal der Tabakfabrik Linz, zu sämtlichen Ausstellungen und Performances untertags und der Nightline bis spät in die Nacht – jeweils mit einer Begleitung. Als Orange Kunde einfach das Handy mit der „Orange“ Betreiber Anzeige beim Eintritt vorweisen.
Future Factory,
Location: Hof
u19 – Ceremony
3. 9. 11:00 – 12:30
Award ceremony and presentation of the winning projects as well as the recipients of the Award of Distinction and Honorary Mentions in the u19 –freestyle computing category.
We’re very thankful for our excellent working relationship with our partner KulturKontakt Austria and with ORF Upper Austria
Prix Ars Electronica,
Location: Hof
Facade Festival
2. 9. – 11. 9.
Ars Electronica is collaborating with the Media Facades Festival Europe 2010 to present a fascinating array of art projects on the façade of the Ars Electronica Center and on the Tabakfabrik grounds during this year’s festival. The accent is on fostering a process of exchange among a diversified group of cities and countries and initiating an intercultural dialog about the medium of urban screens and media façades as well as the utilization of new communications technologies. Connected Cities infrastructure enables participating artists to propagate their projects in public spaces and to present them to large European audiences in Joint Broadcasting Events. The media facades will be transformed into local stages and open a global window for cultural and societal processes to create a dialogue and connect the local public virtually with the other places throughout Europe.
Ars Electronica Center, Facade
- Fassaden Terminal
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT), daily 20:00-22:00
- Monster
h.o (JP), daily 23:00-24:00
- The Colors of the Times: Linz Bunt Blitz
Shervin Afshar (IR), daily 22:00-22:10
- City Sleep Light
Antoine Schmitt (FR), daily 00:00-01:00
- Cerebra Electronica
Onur Sönmez (TR), 4.9. 22:10, 7.9. 22:10
- iRiS – the immediate remote interaction system. Interact directly and in real time with the facade of the Ars Electronica Center.
Magdalena Blöckner, Sebastian Boring, Sven Gehring, Johannes Schöning, Alexander Wiethoff (DE), 5.9. 22:10, 6.9. 22:10
Tabakfabrik, Facades of the inner courtyard
Though they’re separated by thousands of kilometers, they can collaboratively create with light and shadow, color and contrast as if they shared an atelier. They—four of Europe’s most interesting visual arts projects—will be working together with the Ars Electronica Futurelab in conjunction with the Media Facades Festival Europe 2010 to immerse the Tabakfabrik’s inner courtyard in a new light.
- HELLO EUROPE: Live Coding Performance
Gábor Papp, Ágoston Nagy (Kitchen Budapest, HU), David Stolarsky (US) (Ars Electronica Futurelab), Stefan Tiedje (Public Art Lab Berlin – Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, DE), Slub (FACT, Liverpool, GB), presented by Orange. 3.9. 21:00-22:00.
- HELLO EUROPE: VJ Joint Broadcasting Event,
agf (DE) und Sebastian Neitsch, Woeishi Lean (AT) (Visuals), 3.9. 22:00-23:00, presented by Orange
- LummoBlocks
Carles Gutiérrez, Javier Lloret, Mar Canet und Jordi Puig (ES), 4.9. 23:00-24:00
- Action Flocking
OiOi (FI), 5.9. 21:00-22:00
- Air Hunger
Hanna Haaslathi (FI), 6.9. 23:00
Also see: Media Facades Symposium
Future Factory,
Location: AEC, Hof
Rear Impact
Tom Hanslmaier (AT)
5. 9. 23:30 – 24:00
6. 9. 21:45 – 22:15
“Rear Impact” is a performance that deals with human latitude for action when the machine isn’t the tool of the human being but rather the human being the instrument of the machine. What influence do new technologies have on the body and its faculties of perception, and what aesthetics are the results? Audience members see a fluid situation cut up by the stroboscope into individual stopaction images. The flowing movement of a head-on collision between a car and a motorcycle driven the performer comes across as a series of snapshots. A minimalist stage set and a stark lighting concept underscore the character of an extreme situation that audience members experience live. One of the areas of emphasis of Tom Hanslmaier’s creative activities as an artist is the confrontation with the biomechanical processes that go on in the human body, the incredible power and intensity that the body generates, and the forces that act upon the body when it’s in motion.
Performance&Concept: Tom Hanslmaier
Techniker: Martin Urstöger, Philipp Tengler, Thomas Rinner, Thomas Seiberl, Thomas Doppler
Sounddesign: Axel Wolph, Tom Kaser
Musik: Alex Joechtl, Flaer, Alexander Balanescu
Lichtdesign: Gerald Pappenberger
Stimme: Julia Noa Fischer
Regieassistenz: Christina Raab
Repair yourself,
Location: Hof
Talk + Workshop Sturztraining
Tom Hanslmaier (AT)
6. 9. 13:00
As a dancer and stuntman, Tom Hanslmaier and Tarek Rasouli (Wings for Life ambassador) deal intensively with the limits of the stress to which the human body can be subjected. The non-profit researchfoundation Wings for Life wants to heal paraplegia and supports spinal marrow research.
The subsequent workshop shows how to train to take a fall.
Repair yourself,
Location: Hof
Soft Bodies – International Performance Art Festival
The aim of the Soft Bodies Performance Art Festival is to bring together at a single location the tremendous diversity of approaches to and takes on performance art. The participating artists put their ideas into practice upon themselves and together with their audience at the same time. Thus, they work on and with the living subject, which creates space for many different points of view amidst this encounter.
Performance art is processual and ephemeral; moments of transcendence, experimentation, insight and spectacularly going down in flames are possible and desirable. The performances will be staged at different locations throughout the Tabakfabrik grounds. bb15 is the festival headquarters, and will also serve as a setting for discussion and presentation of previously staged performances.
03.09. |
18:00 – 21:00 |
Time |
Location |
Leo Devlin (IE) |
18:00 |
Hof |
Marta Bosowska (PL) |
18:30 |
Event Space |
Boris Nieslony (DE) |
19:00 |
Hof |
Sofia Greff (DE) |
19:30 |
Event Space |
Didi Bruckmayr (AT) |
20:00 |
Hof |
Christian Bedics (DE) |
20:30 |
Hof |
Faxen (AT) |
20:30 |
Hof Bühne |
04.09. |
19:00 – 24:00 |
Time |
Location |
Elisa Andessner (AT) |
19:00 |
Hof |
Hugh O’Donnell (IE) |
19:30 |
Event Space |
Alice Devisscher (BE) |
20:15 |
Event Space |
Stephen Dorothy (IE) |
20:45 |
Event Space |
Colm Clark (IE) |
21:15 |
Event Space |
Siegmar Aigner (AT) |
21:45 |
Hof Bühne |
noneon (AT) |
22:15 |
Hof Bühne |
Festival headquarters: bb15, Baumbachstraße 15, 4020 Linz. Dates & hours: September 3-6, 2010, 2-6 PM each day
Curators: Elisa Andessner (AT), Didi Bruckmayer (AT)
Produced jointly by the Ars Electronica Festival and bb15, the Linz offspace
Repair yourself,
Location: Hof, Event Space
The Destruction of the Ego
Tove Kjellmark (SE)
2. 9. – 7. 9.
The Destruction of the Ego is a one-foot tall toy robot enlarged to a more than three meter tall giant, which still has the same features as the small original. It laughs hysterically, like a child that is tickled out of its mind, it falls on the floor in convulsions, and rises up on its feet again. Tove Kjellmark uses the machine to reveal our fears of losing control and human weaknesses. A machine is designed to function perfectly, it is materialized control. In this way The Destruction of the Ego also reflects on the relation between man and machine.
Thanks to Bengt Sjölén, Jens Lind, Daniel Eng, Johannes Gross, A ndrea Hvistendahl, Lars Hässler
Repair yourself,
Location: Hof
Repair Choir
2.9. 19:00-20:00 Main Square
2. 9. Frozen Music, Tabakfabrik Linz
Inspired by more than 70 Complaints Choirs all over the world, the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Company) and Ars Electronica invited locals to get whatever has been bothering them of their chest. Regardless of whether it has to do with the environment, politics or social injustice, the complaints and repair suggestions will be put together to create the “Upper Austrian Repair Song”. An amateur choral group under direction of Wolfgang Mayer (AT) will then perform it on Linz’s Main Square.
A ccoperation of Ars Electronica and the ORF OÖ. The Repair Choir is a part of the international project „Complaint Choirs“ by Tellervo Kalleinen (FI) and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen (DE).
Repair our society,
Location: Hauptplatz, Hof
Neue Arbeit Neue Kultur (new work new culture) is a hybrid format—part trade fair, part performance. How can people use a broad spectrum of technologies to manufacture products themselves? This experiment’s aim is to completely rethink work and, with a liberated attitude, to experience it anew. To do this job, NANK utilizes two elements: Community Production demonstrates technologies having to do with energy, production, housing, mobility, work, food and health; in Presence, an open deliberation space, participants will elaborate on new work, presence and belonging.
A detailed and comprehensive rundown of each day’s program will be available on site.
New Work Factory,
Location: Bau 2 OG 1, Hof
Wissensturm – Lernort der Zukunft
Linz’s Wissensturm—the “tower of knowledge” that houses an adult continuing education facility (VHS), public library, media workshop (MWL)
and a self-learning center (LeWis)—has made a name for itself worldwide as a promising approach to providing knowledge-based services. During the
Ars Electronica Festival, Wissensturm will set up shop on the Tabakfabrik grounds.
Offerings include:
- Use of LeWis workstations
- Reading nook stocked by the library with eBook readers, info about the digital library, and Book Crossing books
- Speaker’s Corner hosted by the MWL
- Info about the Linz Public Space Server and on-site registration
- Speeches and workshops having to do with economic activity for the common good
Plus, visitors have the opportunity to register for VHS courses and sign up for a library card.
New Work Factory,
Location: Bau 2 OG 1, Hof
Frisiersalon in fünf Akten
Christoph Weidinger (AT), Clemens Bauder (AT), Gregor Graf (AT), Aron Rynda (AT)
2. 9. – 7. 9.
A 1978 Steyr Daimler City Bus just short of its last tow to the junkyard is transformed in five acts into a “kiosque,” a vehicle specially equipped for deployment tracking down matters of interest to advanced cosmopolitans. To enable it to respond to diverse situations, the vehicle will get a daily “tune up” customizing it for a particular mission. The newly-implemented tools will be put into action immediately and taken out for a spin together with installation visitors.
Design for Repair,
Location: Hof
No more duck and cover. Überleben mit dem Soundmuseum
Kalle Laar (DE)
4. 9. 16:00 – 17:00
Defective, sick, obsolete, irreparable, remarkable, lost, off-the-charts and misplaced sounds; on vinyl, of course; saved by the dj. Kalle Laars performance with the Temporary Soundmuseum’s collection invites visitors to engage in conscious hearing with open ears.
djkl & The Temporary Soundmuseum
Overtures - Zeiträume,
Location: Hof