Neue Arbeit Neue Kultur (new work new culture) is a hybrid format—part trade fair, part performance. How can people use a broad spectrum of technologies to manufacture products themselves? This experiment’s aim is to completely rethink work and, with a liberated attitude, to experience it anew. To do this job, NANK utilizes two elements: Community Production demonstrates technologies having to do with energy, production, housing, mobility, work, food and health; in Presence, an open deliberation space, participants will elaborate on new work, presence and belonging.
A detailed and comprehensive rundown of each day’s program will be available on site.
New Work Factory,
Location: Hof, Bau 2 OG 1
Wissensturm – Lernort der Zukunft
Linz’s Wissensturm—the “tower of knowledge” that houses an adult continuing education facility (VHS), public library, media workshop (MWL)
and a self-learning center (LeWis)—has made a name for itself worldwide as a promising approach to providing knowledge-based services. During the
Ars Electronica Festival, Wissensturm will set up shop on the Tabakfabrik grounds.
Offerings include:
- Use of LeWis workstations
- Reading nook stocked by the library with eBook readers, info about the digital library, and Book Crossing books
- Speaker’s Corner hosted by the MWL
- Info about the Linz Public Space Server and on-site registration
- Speeches and workshops having to do with economic activity for the common good
Plus, visitors have the opportunity to register for VHS courses and sign up for a library card.
New Work Factory,
Location: Bau 2 OG 1, Hof
Repairing the global imbalance: Eight goales for one world
An exhibition about the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations
3. 9. – 5. 9.
In September 2000, 189 heads of state and government convened at United Nations Headquarters in New York and adopted the so-called Millennium Declaration. In it, the signatories affirmed their commitment to assuming shared responsibility for the world’s poorest inhabitants and to fostering the development of the global community. The declaration states that the supreme goals of the international community of nations in the new century should be liberty, equality, solidarity, respect for nature, and shared responsibility.
A cooperation of VHS Linz and Südwind OÖ.
New Work Factory,
Location: Bau 2 OG 1
„Clean IT“-Workshop
4. 9. 14:00
This workshop takes you on a trip back to your PC’s place of origin. Via film, speech and discussion, you’ll learn just how far all these components have traveled and see that a bit more commitment on your part is called for to bring about better working conditions for the people who assembled it and to assure proper disposal when its useful life is over.
Please preregister by September 2, 2010 by calling Südwind OÖ at +43.732.795664 or VHS Linz at 43.732.7070.0, or via e-mail to
A cooperation of VHS Linz and Südwind OÖ.
New Work Factory,
Location: Bau 2 OG 1
The Windowfarms Project
Britta Riley (US)
The Windowfarms Project is a fast-growing web platform that helps city dwellers grow food in their apartments year-round and channels their innovations into an open research framework for the future of urban agriculture.
Over 14,000 participants are building these compact vertical hydroponic gardens in windows around the world, proposing and testing design modifications, and experimenting with different vegetables and nutrients.
Supported by the municipal gardens of Linz.
Repair the environment,
Location: Bau 2 OG 1, Bau 2 OG 2