Ludic Interfaces
4. 9. 14:00 – 16:00, Bau 1 OG , in the exhibition area of Playful Interface Cultures
“Ludic Interfaces” is an R&D project subsidized by the European Union. Its aim is to develop a European Joint Master program at the Universities of Salford, Potsdam and the University of Arts Linz and the Politécnica de Valencia. Here, brief presentations will summarize the results of the second Full Partner Meeting.
Scenes & Structures,
Location: Bau 1 OG 1
Expanded Interfaces
Mediencampus der Hochschule Darmstadt
School of Art & Design am Cork Institute of Technology
2. 9. – 7. 9.
In conjunction with the Expanded Interfaces project, undergraduates in the Media Department at the Media Campus of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) in Germany and the School of Art & Design at the Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) in Ireland developed user interfaces for new media products that boldly go beyond conventional ones available now. The assignment was to reconceptualize and reinvent human-machine communication and the individual elements of interaction it entails in a large-scale scenario analogous to expanded cinema. In going about this, the innovative aspect of media environments and interfaces was made the most important design criterion. For the students, ethical, societal and social welfare issues were just as relevant as technical feasibility or imparting a sensorial-playful character to the experience.
Objects on display:
- Ambient Knowledge
Alan Meany
- Céannacht
Laura Kacinauskaite
- Das Virtuelle Planetarium – Weltraumschrot
Clemens Anzmann, Daniel Dünchem, Felix Gellert, Maik Krücken, Benjamin Obländer, Maximilian Wallrabenstein, Torsten Fröhlich (Projektleitung)
- easee – Ein Navigationssystem für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen
Moritz Keck, Alexander Simon , Patrick Gotta, Markus Schäfer, Philipp Hormel, René Link, Frank Rickert
- GYMO – Das neuartige Therapiegerät der Balance-Therapie
Lukas Geißler, Max Lemke, Sarah Martens, Eva Patzelt, Achim Rosenhagen, Daniel Wein
- Mementum
Till Henrichs, Lemke, Max, Eva Patzelt, Achim Rosenhagen, Nathalie Sprenger, Daniel Wein
- mju:vi – interaktive audiovisuelle Installation
Sabine Dries, Paul Reindell, Benjamin Schiek, Julia Vogel, Melanie Wetter, Steffen Zink
- oneHug
Dennis Praschak
- Orbitone
Michel Gotta, Florian Werndl, Lukas Meyer, Sergej Mut, Andreas Doms, Thomas Thome, Max Doepfmer
- Running Radio Expanded (RR-Ex)
Isabell Galley, Isabell Galley, Benjamin Gürkan, Yannick Hofmann, Sascha Hormel, Stefan Kemler, Lars Krichbaum, Marco Schleicher, Timo-Marc Strehlau, Rita Vas, A lexander Winkler u.v.a. Leitung: Sabine Breitsameter
- SIRIUS application
Christoph Aumann, Jan-André Huber, Philipp Pra, Christian Tamanini, Christoph Wannemacher, Stefan Zoll
- Teamfunk
Christoph Aumann, Lukas Geißler, Jan-André Huber, Philipp Pra, Christian Tamanini, Christoph Wannemacher, Stefan Zoll
- Umami
Florian Cannon, Robert Flöck, Florian Gondol, Mischa Korn , Daniel Pehnec, Sarah Martens, Tara Staton
Florian Werndl, Lukas Meyer, Andreas Doms
- Presto
Niamh Hutton, John Constant, Ian O’ Leary
KuratorInnen: Sabine Breitsameter (DE), Torsten Fröhlich (DE), Claudia Soeller-Eckert (DE)
Location: Bau 1 OG 1
Playful Interface Cultures
Interface Cultures @ Ars Electronica Festival 2010
2. 9. – 11. 9.
This year‘s presentation by students in the Interface Cultures program showcases newly emerging artistic skill profiles at the nexus of interactive media technology and interface technology. These artists adroitly combine complex disciplines such as communications technology, biosciences, physical computing, interaction design, fashionable technology and information visualization in their test environments and experimental concepts.
- Augmented Photography
Varvara Guljajeva
- Der Beweis für Dinge, die nicht gesagt wurden (Proof of Things Unsaid)
Shervin Afshar, David Brunnthaler, Henning Schulze
- Endotastic Voyage A20.10
Reinhard Gupfinger
- Human Allergy
Hugo Martinez-Tormo
- Lovely Machine
Anika Hirt
- MohrSMS
Hugo Camargo, Veronika Pauser
- Newsleak—A Hybrid Media Publication
Tim Devine, Jayme Cochrane, Shervin Afshar
- PlayfulNESs
Mar Canet, Jayme Cochrane, Travis Kirton
- Rambler
Ricardo Nascimento, Tiago Martins
- Shopping in 1 minute
Varvara Guljajeva, Mar Canet Sola
- The Mexican Standoff
Tim Devine, Onur Sönmez
- Urban Mood
Mahir M. Yavuz
Instructors: Georg Russegger, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Varvara Guljajeva and Michaela Ortner
Location: Bau 1 OG 1
Reclaiming Space / ATW
2. 9. – 11. 9
The building complex on the grounds of the Tabakfabrik was the workplace of 19 Linz artists in early summer 2010. The artists conducted empirical research on the current state of these structures. Their works confront a wide range of issues including the cultural connotations of tobacco and smoking, working conditions prevailing in modern society, and the phenomenon of an architectural landmark building whose identity is in transition. A select few of these works are now on display at Campus.
Participating artists:
faxen (Clemens Mairhofer/Lucas Norer/Sebastian Six), Susanna Flock, Katharina Gruzei, Sini Havukainen, Kristina Kornmüller, Evelyn Kuntscher, Pamela Litzlbauer Agnes Miesenberger, Katharina Loidl, Marie-Therese Luger, Leonhard Müllner, Sandra Li Lian Obwegeser, Magdalena Piper, Antonia Prochaska/Karoline Rudolf, rnzlw, Vildan Turalic
Eine Kooperation zwischen Kunstuniversität Linz/Experimentelle und dem afo – architekturforum Oberösterreich unter der Leitung von David Moises; Koordination: Astrid Hager & Doris Prlić
Location: Bau 1 OG 1