Walk the city
2. 9. – 7. 9.
Start: Main Square Ö1 Haiti House
The second tour route takes you through downtown Linz. Outfitted with Kubisch’s special headphones and a map indicating points of particular interest, you’re all set for a journey of acoustic discovery. Needless to say, there’s nothing stopping you from taking a few detours off the beaten path, ‘cause one thing’s for sure: you’ll find surprising electromagnetic sounds wherever you go!
Electrical Walks,
Location: Hauptplatz
Repair Choir
2.9. 19:00-20:00 Main Square
2. 9. Frozen Music, Tabakfabrik Linz
Inspired by more than 70 Complaints Choirs all over the world, the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Company) and Ars Electronica invited locals to get whatever has been bothering them of their chest. Regardless of whether it has to do with the environment, politics or social injustice, the complaints and repair suggestions will be put together to create the “Upper Austrian Repair Song”. An amateur choral group under direction of Wolfgang Mayer (AT) will then perform it on Linz’s Main Square.
A ccoperation of Ars Electronica and the ORF OÖ. The Repair Choir is a part of the international project „Complaint Choirs“ by Tellervo Kalleinen (FI) and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen (DE).
Repair our society,
Location: Hauptplatz, Hof
Das Mobile Ö1 Atelier – The Haiti-House
2. 9. 10:00 – 20:00
3. 9. – 6. 9. 10:00 – 19:00
7. 9. 10:00 – 13:00
This year, the Mobile Ö1 Atelier on Linz’s Main Square (Hauptplatz) presents the Universal World House. It utilizes a new construction material based on the principle bees use to build their hives: strips of paper soaked in resin are compressed into a honeycomb form and then bonded together into panels. The quantity of material required to build a small house corresponds to the amount of cellulose yielded by a single tree. A house can be erected without a crane in one day and is totally weatherproof. The Mobile Ö1 Atelier is also the starting point of Electrical Walks Linz.
A joint venture by Radio Österreich 1 and the Consido AG.
Design for Repair,
Location: Hauptplatz
Start your Festival
10:00 Press Conference
12:00 Opening Campus Exhibitions
13:45 Opening ROBOT-ISM/ Japan Media Arts Festival
14:30 Worldpremiere of Ralf Schmerbergs new movie
16:00 Opening CyberArts 2010 Exhibition
17:30 Opening Sound Space
19:00 Repair Choir Main Square
Location: Hauptplatz, Tabakfabrik Linz