T-Shirts are ready!

You can buy the t-shirt with the “ORIGIN – How it all begins” logo at the Ars Electronica Center, if you want to look as gorgeous as the festivalproducer Martin Honzik (l.) and the producer of Theater <a href="Hausruck“>Hausruck Chris Müller, you sure want to invest the 9€ it costs.

Martin Honzik will talk about the festival in a videointerview soon to come.

Download of the “ORIGIN and CREATE YOUR WORLD-Vorprogramm” (German only) as pdf

Download the “Vorprogramm” (German only) as a pdf.

The program will be released on August 22th as a downloadable pdf, until then you can find out about the events, conferences and exhibitions of this year’s festival in the https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/program/2011-09-01.html.

The CREATE YOUR WORLD-Vorprogramm is also online, you can download it as a PDF. The full program will be here.

CERN and new results

In recent days, the LHC has delivered new results and findings that just might represent a step towards confirming the existence of the Higgs boson. Or maybe it was just a fluke. The Austrian daily Der Standard reported on the event; the Austrian Broadcasting Company’s website provides some scientific background: sience.orf.at.

Tagesanzeiger, a Zurich paper, just published an interesting interview well worth reading with CERN Director General Rolf-Dieter Heuer in which he discusses the outlook for the future and gives some insights into the Geneva facility’s current research. Heuer will be in Linz for the opening of the CERN exhibition and the presentation of a book about the LHC by photographer Lois Lammerhuber and writer Franzobl.


The view from the blogger’s nest, overlooking the Nibelungenbridge, setting of “Marktplatz der Talente”, the Rother Krebs, one of the Nightlinelocations of Ars Electronica, and Neuer Dom, where amazing things will happen on the night of September 3rd.

The cup is alway full, to the last drop!

At the Ars Electronica, the cup is always full, not a single drop is wasted!

Only this year’s Ars Electronica program can compete with this fullness, more than 300 events are competing for your attention!

Neuland Hausruck Part 1

If you pay a visit to a rather out-of-the-way region of Upper Austria named Hausruck, you’re immediately struck by the moderate weather. Its horseshoe-shaped chain of hills extending from Waldzell to Haag am Hausruck acts as a natural barrier. It doesn’t take long to see the light. As Theater Hausruck’s Chris Müller so aptly puts it: “The show must go on, even in case of clement weather!” And who could argue with that? In this spirit, Ars Electronica cordially invites you to go on an outing to Hausruck on the evening of September 1st, a trip that will neither be rained out nor called on account of oppressive heat.

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Touchdown Atlantis!

Today at 11:57 GMT+1, the Atlantis safely touched down at Cape Canaveral, marking the end of an era in journeys into space which many of us will carry around for a long time to come.

Fans of Douglas Adams will be happy to see that the day of the last landing of a spaceshuttle happened exactly 42 years after mankind landed on the moon, time to get some towels.

Ralo Meyer is documenting what has happened between the first and the last mission of the spaceshuttles in his installation, which will be shown at the Lentos.


Horst Hörtner talking about Pixelspaces 2011

When you consider the Futurelab’s wide-ranging activities and endeavors these days, all you can say is: “Hats off!” This division of Ars Electronica was actually set up pursuant to business considerations as an in-house R&D lab responsible for developing the Center’s exhibits. After all, purchasing ready-made content eventually adds up to quite a bit of money in comparison to developing custom-tailored installations right here in Linz. And so it was. It was probably not part of the original plan that the Futurelab would ultimately do much more than “just” work for the Museum of the Future, but if you actually pay a call on this lab-atelier and get a feel for the enthusiasm with which the staff goes about its work, the unavoidable conclusion is that this step was definitely the smart thing to do. In the words of Horst Hörtner, media artist and head of this division ever since its inception in 1996: “What Ars Electronica is for me? Curiosity. It’s the Alma Mater of curiosity.”

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