
Ars Electronica Animation Festival 2014

The Ars Electronica Animation Festival will show 140 submitted animations for Prix Ars Electronica 2014 within ten programs. Continue reading

OK Night

A fitting follow-up to the Electronic Theatre performances is the OK Night lineup. Continue reading

Saccade Based Display

Saccade is a technical term used by opticians and ophthalmologists to describe a certain type of eye movement: so-called visual target movements that include both spontaneous and deliberate eye movements. They’re among the fastest motions the human body makes, and are the basis of a display developed by Junji Watanabe (whereby the term display is somewhat misleading here, since this array doesn’t contain a monitor in a conventional sense). Continue reading

Electronic Theatre

Presentation of all the prizewinning works in the 2014 Prix Ars Electronica’s Computer Animation / Film / VFX category. Continue reading

WE GUIDE YOU Community Parcours

(Deutsch) Um den Zugang zu Kunst und Kulturevents zu erleichtern, bieten wir in diesem Jahr kostenlose Führungen für Angehörige unterschiedlicher Communities an. Einerseits gibt es Touren für Gehbehinderte, Gehörlose genauso wie für Blinde und Sehbehinderte. Andererseits wird es Führungen in den Muttersprachen der österreichischen Minderheiten geben: Türkisch, Serbokroatisch, Rumänisch, Tschechisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Slownisch und Thai. Continue reading

The C-School

C-School is the Diotima Society’s answer to the emerging need of a dynamic knowledge gate. The C-School is an educational path, new and timeless, bridging the heritage of the classic Scholè with the oncoming era of shifting paradigms, its complexity and unexpected consequences. It is a permanent open-lab, consistent with a new idea of wealth, where processes are generating meaning, more than producing needs and goods. Continue reading

u19 Exhibit

Film is the theme of the 2014 u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD Future Festival of the Next Generation. And that’s a happy happenstance, since this year’s Golden Nica winner in the Prix Ars Electronica’s u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD category, Sarah Oos, is being honored for “Femme Chanel – Emma Fenchel”, a film montage that makes use of found footage. Continue reading

u19 Ceremony – Prix Ars Electronica Walk of Fame!

We say: If you’re gonna stage an awards ceremony, then do it right! The 2014 winners in the Prix Ars Electronica’s category for young people won’t be receiving only trophies and certificates. For the first time this year, they’ll also be immortalized on a Walk of Fame. Continue reading

Device Art Symposium

Device Art deploys novel materials and techniques to create high-tech appliances featuring sophisticated, cool design. The objects’ inherent convergence of technology, art and design calls into questions conventional paradigms operational in the art world. Continue reading

Device Art

Device art is a relatively young art form that is to use innovative materials and techniques to create high-tech appliances featuring sophisticated, cool design. The newest exhibition of the Ars Electronica Center. Continue reading