Site areas:


Come, Build With Us!

We are inviting everyone to come and build interactive visuals with us. Anyone can collaborate either by coding with us directly or simply by giving us input on what they would like to see.


CoderDojo Linz is a free, volunteer-led programming club for kids. In CoderDojo, young coders discover technology, learn to write code, develop their first websites, create apps and games etc.


In this open lab’s Gamestation, you can play your own adventure games, and on the RasPi Station, you can try out old Nintendo and Playstation games on a DIY console constructed with Makey Makey.

Arduino Reload

In this open lab you have the chance to build a motor-controlled drumstick. We will show you how to assemble the parts and program an Arduino microcontroller.


Bi.xels is an affordable and accessible toolkit to allow everyone to design, create and monitor their own DNA programed display.


Tinkerbots is a unique construction kit that makes it simple for kids of all ages to build and operate countless different robots. The kit consists of active modules and passive components.