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Re: LIFESCIENCE: gene change social behaviors

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
On Sunday, August 22, 1999 at 10:48:40 pm MEZ,
PROFRICHAR@aol.com wrote:
> BBC News
> Geneticists make faithful mice
>what to do with this kind of scientific research? is there anything 
>on the horizon for mankind ? for women? it is just a spectacular project for 
>funding new projects it seems to me?
>i do not see any benefit

Actually, this is again one contribution to the nature vs. nurture discussion 
in favor of nature.

That discussion reoresents again one important field of life sciences which 
was not discussed here on this forum. It seems to me, that thanks to advances 
in gene research nature is coming into winning position.

Than, another problem comes to light: is this just "value free quest of 
sciences for final truth", or is it somethink which can increase market value 
of certain enterprises and therefore it will be (mis)interpreted in their 

One or another - it is becoming a part of public discourse and will have 
consequences for policy makers - see for example recent articles by Fukuyama.

Luba Lacinova
e-dress  lacinova@ipt.med.tu-muenchen.de
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