People & Projects



u19 - Freestyle Exhibition (A New Cultural Economy)
Ultima Ratio (Ars Electronica 98)
Umwelt-erfassende Kunstwerke und interaktive Kunstereignisse (In the Network of Systems)
Umweltforschung als Datenproblem ()
Under special conditions, chemistry can build stable nanostructures. (Endo Nano)
UnitM - User Sensitive Information Architecture (Takeover)
UNIVERSCITY TV (digitale Träume virtuelle Welten)
University of Art and Industrial Design Linz (Goodbye Privacy)
UNPLUGGED (Unplugged)
Unplugged Urban Africa (Unplugged)
Unquiet Living (Out of Control)
Unsound Objects (Fleshfactor)
Untitled Turkey XXIII (Genetic Art - Artificial Life)
Utopia? Consequences … Passages! Intermediate Times! (ars electronica 86)
Uzume (Code)