People & Projects



Hacking Millennium Park (Ars Electronica 98)
Half-medium or full-medium. The limits of De-art-ization (The Art of Scene)
Hall of Shadows (Memesis)
Hamster (LifeScience)
hanahana (Goodbye Privacy)
Handsight (Endo Nano)
Happy Doomsday! (Ars Electronica 98)
Harriet Casdin-Silver ()
Hauptklammer (Endo Nano)
HAVIDOL™ (Goodbye Privacy)
Head-Mounted Display Project (digitale Träume virtuelle Welten)
hearing monkeys (Next Sex)
Heart (Ars Electronica 98)
Here to Here (Welcome To The Wired World)
Hertzblut—Pixelspaces 2005 (Hybrid)
Herzo Base Exit (ars electronica 86)
HEX/"Holosound" (The Art of Scene)
Hidden Worlds (Unplugged)
Hier ist eine Frage – bitte antworten Sie mit einer Frage jetzt (In the Network of Systems)
High Technology of Amechania (The Art of Scene)
History of the WGBH New Television Workshop (ars electronica 86)
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Nordwestschweiz / HGK FHNW (Goodbye Privacy)
Holland (Free Sound)
Holographical pictures - frozen in space and time (ars electronica 84)
Holography / The cubism of our time (ars electronica 84)
Homage to Kepler (digitale Träume virtuelle Welten)
Hommage à Hedy Lamarr (Ars Electronica 98)
Horizontal Radio - 24 Stunden live (Welcome To The Wired World)
Hotel Pompino (digitale Träume virtuelle Welten)
Hotel Pompino (Timeshift)
Hotspot Linz (Hybrid)
How Code Made its Way into My Music (Code)
How Like A Leaf (Fleshfactor)
How smart does your bed have to be, before you are afraid to go to sleep at night? (Intelligente Ambiente)
How We Made Our Own “Carnivore” (Unplugged)
Humanistic Intelligence (Fleshfactor)
Humphrey (Code)
Hungers (The Art of Scene)
HYBRID - living in paradox (Hybrid)
Hybrid Creatures and Paradox Machines (Hybrid)
Hybrid Ego (A New Cultural Economy)
Hybrid Reality (Hybrid)
Hybrid: Elements of a Re-mix Culture (Hybrid)
Hybridentities (Hybrid)
Hybridity - Elements of a Theory (Hybrid)
HYENA DAYS (Endo Nano)