People & Projects



Jam-O-Drum (Unplugged)
James Dashow (ars electronica 86)
Japanese Animation ACA Media Arts Festival (Code)
Jazz and Electronics (ars electronica 82)
Jazzkonzerte im Mittleren Saal ()
Johannes Deutsch (Timeshift)
Johannes Kepler (ars electronica 86)
Johannes Kepler and the movements of the planets (ars electronica 86)
JOHANNES KEPLER'S "HARMONY OF SPHERES" from today's (musical) point of view (digitale Träume virtuelle Welten)
John Maeda’s Fundamental Idea (Simplicity)
John Sanborn: 2³ - Statement about Art and Technology (ars electronica 86)
Jomasounds (LifeScience)
Jugoslawien (Free Sound)
Jumping Rope (Hybrid)