Museum of the Future
Digital Archives

Prizewinners in Computer Animation 1987-2006
Concept:  Helmut Höllerl
Dietmar Offenhuber
Date: 2006

Picture Archiv


Greenbox Studio
Perfect Time
QuiQui's Giant ...
Slot Machine Drawing
u19 – freestyle com...
we guide you

Project Credits
Stefan Feldler
Ellen Fethke
Ramsy Gsenger
Woeishi Lean
Christopher Lindinger
Iris Mayr
Nicolas Naveau
Erwin Reitböck
Tamara Seybold
Ingrid Spörl
Dietmar Suoch
Nina Wenhart
Helena Wimmer


“Luxo jr.,” “Finding Nemo” and “Gone Nutty” are just a few highlights from the 20-year history of computer animation at Prix Ars Electronica. An interactive presentation system makes it easy for visitors to peruse outstanding animated films and visual effects that have been honored since 1987.

All prizewinning projects are presented in the form of a network on a large-format data wall. A media platform designed by the Ars Electronica Futurelab staff makes for convenient viewing of a selection of the best works. Visitors navigate by means of gentle hand motions above the presentation table, which eliminates the need for input devices like a keyboard, mouse or touchscreen. Sensors register visitors’ motions and open the requested content.
© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at