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The prize winners in the “Interactive Art” category: Listening Post – Ben Rubin, Mark Hansen (USA) – Golden Nica Ah_Q – Feng Mengbo (CN) Augmented Fish Reality – Ken Rinaldo (USA) Pioneer Lecture: Myron Krueger (USA)
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The prize winners in the “Computer Animation / Visual Effects” category: Ryan – Chris Landreth (CDN) – Golden Nica BIRTHDAY BOY – Park Sejong (Australian Film TV and Radio School) (AUS) Parenthèse – François Blondeau, Thibault Deloof, Jérémie Droulers, Christophe Stampe / Supinfocom (F)
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Experts including Lawrence Lessig, the initiator of the prizewinning project “Creative Commons,” discuss the fundamentals and possibilities of the “digital commons”—and thus the future of the Internet itself. To whom does knowledge belong? Just how free are free content, software and infrastructure?
10:30 - 12:00: Prize Winners of Net Vision Lawrence Lessig, Marcos Weskamp Jury Representative: Ed Burton
12:00 - 12:15 Break
12:10 - 13:30 Table Talk with Eva Bischof-Herlbauer Georg Greve / Free Software Foundation Paula LeDieu / BBC Creative Archive Lawrence Lessig / Creative Commons Peter Rantasa / MICA
Moderation: Ina Zwerger, Sonja Bettel (Ö1 Matrix) In cooperation with Ö1 Matrix
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Communities guru Howard Rheingold, the propagators of Wikipedia-the prizewinners in the new Digital Communities category—and other experts discuss the cultural and sociopolitical relevance of digital communities. What brings and keeps their members together? What is the essence of their success? What are the prerequisites for collaborative action? What role are communities and weblogs playing in the emergence of the “digital commons”?
10:30 - 12:10: Prize Winners of Digital Communities
With Jimmy Wales, Nicole Öhlrich, Howard Rheingold, Dorothy Okello, Joichi Ito
12:10 - 12:25 Break
Table Talk with Michael Eisenriegler, Joichi Ito, Armin Medosch, Nicole Öhlrich, Dorothy Okello, Howard Rheingold, Jimmy Wales
Moderation: Ina Zwerger / Sonja Bettel Ö1, matrix