
Projects A-Z
Artists & Speakers
Opening Hours
THURSDAY, 02.09. TO 07.09. / LENTOS
America´s Finest (1989-1993)
Hershman Lynn
The user aims at a specific spot or an object within the installation’s space. With the specially prepared rifle, the user sees not only what he/she is aiming at but also himself/herself.
Inter Dis-Communication Machine (1993)
Hachiya Kazuhiko
Through the device of the “Inter Dis-Communication Machine,” two participants exchange their visual perspectives, which forces them to see things the other person’s way.

Interactive Plant Growing (1992)
Sommerer Christa, Mignonneau Laurent
This in an installation about the principles of growth of artificial plants and their changes in the virtual space of a 3-D graphic.
Landscape One - Interactive Video Panorama (1997)
Courchesne Luc
This is an interactive installation in which visitors are surrounded by a photo-realistic projection of a park. Virtual visitors to the park freely move about the landscape.
The Legible City (1988-1991)
Shaw Jeffrey
The user can ride a stationary bicycle through a simulated representation of an urban setting consisting of computer-generated letters. The real architecture is replaced by one consisting of text, and the journey through this urban space becomes a literary excursion.

Think about the people now (1991)
Sermon Paul
On Remembrance Day 1990 in Whitehall, London, a protestor drenched himself with gasoline and set himself ablaze. His final words: “Think about the people now.” Paul Sermon’s interactive work is based upon this actual occurrence.

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at