
Projects A-Z
Artists & Speakers
Opening Hours

Vita Pulsante - Ars Electronica Quarter

centrozoon (DE)
Seppo Gründler (AT)
Osman Khan (US)
Julien Maire (FR)
MikoMikona (DE)
Peppi Öttl (AT)
Elisabeth Schimana (AT)
Time's Up (AT)
Tmema (US)

Ars Electronica Quarter


Following the Ars Electronica Gala, the action shifts to the area surrounding the Ars Electronica Center, with a full lineup of events into
the wee hours: Linz’s Stadtwerkstatt has a new dimension of golfing and Time’s Up invites into the “Sensory Circus.” “The Long Night of Radio” and “The great score.”
Four acts featuring projections of very special sort, projections onto the façade, DJs—the big birthday party of Ars Electronica 25.

21:00 - 23:00 Landing stage of the shuttle ship
Shuttle-Service Brucknerhaus - Ars Electronica Quarter
Live on Board: centrozoon (D) with Tim Bowness (UK)

Flussgasse - Tunnel
21:30 / 23:00 MikoMikona (D): Fourier-Tanzformation I+II

Slides shown on overhead projectors produce structures that are filmed with a video camera. The actual pictorial information is filtered and sent as a signal to an audio amplifier. A synesthetic performance.
21:50 / 23:20 Tmema (USA): The Manual Input Sessions
Projections from analog and digital projectors overlay one another and generate an unusual hybrid light. Interactive software responds to objects as well as the performers’ hand movements with graphics and sound.
22:10 / 23:40 Julien Maire (D): DEMI-PAS
A projected drama in which real objects and photographic material are set in motion.

22:30 - 24:00 FORE-Competition

At the Stadtwerkstatt’s Ars Electronica Driving Range, players shoot for their alter egos in virtual space. The large-format screen is the interface. The ball’s velocity and trajectory as it leaves the clubface provide the data to compute its subsequent flight in virtual space. The round is played in simple 3-D spaces with a variety of user interfaces. The output of a bluebox system confronts the player with his/her exact likeness, which can be positioned in the virtual landscape by means of simple hand motions. Through this process of duplication, the player becomes not only a driver and quasi-joystick but a target as well.
Moderator: Georgie Gold
24:00 Quarter Nightline
Kunstuniversität Linz: Stefan Siebenschlaf, Katharina Blei, Washer, Cherry Sunkist, Aka Tell, DJ Joko13, DJ Elwood, DJ Marcin Gajewski, Karo Szmit & Doris Prlic, Graben 12, a.s.a.p.

Ars Electronica Quarter
Time´s Up: Sensory Circus

The dramaturgy of the “Sensory Circus” installation is oriented to the creation of a spatial situation that can be reconfigured through active physical involvement on the part of the audience. Custom-designed interfaces enable any visitor to the installation to create and manipulate an audiovisual environment, whereby the installation reacts in real time to audience activity.

Ars Electronica Center
22:00 Seppo Gründler, Elisabeth Schimana (A): Die Große Partitur

Sky Media Loft
A concert based not on notes but rather upon a temporal and functional structure. The score is simultaneously a projected image and illumination. Paths through the history of electronic music—from musicianship to sampling to autonomous processors.
22:00 - 6:00: Die Lange Nacht der Radiokunst
Sky Media Loft
To mark 80 years of radio in Austria, Elisabeth Schimana (A) is curating an event at the Ars Electronica Center’s Sky Media Loft. Radio artists Sam Auinger, Seppo Gründler, radioqualia, FirstFlooRadio, Felix Kubin, Bruce Odland, pandorabox.org, Matt Smith, Alexandar Vasiljevic will be performing and mixing. Plus, in the wee hours of the morning, an acoustic Pandora’s Box will open up via WWW and blend its contents with the live mixes.
24:00 Ars Electronica is 25!

from 21:30 Pepi Öttl (A): ROOM TO MOVE.version02
A game involving projectors in which the moving projections themselves feel their way to discover depiction possibilities and to find projection surfaces.

Platforms for media façade installation
Barbara Larndorfer, Björn Wilfinger (A): Di ANA LOG

Visitors themselves can create paintings onto the media façade of the Ars Electronica Center. Two podiums will be installed on public squares. The activities on these stages are recorded from above and directly projected onto the façade.

from 21:30 Osman Khan (USA): Sur la table
Everyday actions that take place on a tabletop—arranging objects or hand motions—become the basis for interactivity. Pictures recorded on camera are projected back onto the table and produce an continuous flow of images.

Eintritt frei!

Ars Electronica Center Exhibition and Art&Tek open until 23:00.

From 21:30 Installations on the media façade.

Supported by General Electrics and Jindrak


© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at